Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 403 This Doesn't Look Like You!

Bai Feng and the two returned to their seats, shared a cup of hot milk tea with each other, and opened the box again.

There are biscuits and cakes in the box, which smell very fragrant and authentic.

Several people quickly grabbed a piece, and their eyes lit up after eating.

Then he kept grabbing into the box with his hands, just to see who was the quickest to grab the hand first.

Grab it and eat it while drinking milk tea.

"This pastry is too delicious!"

"Yeah! Definitely the most delicious biscuits and cakes I've ever eaten, and the milk tea tastes super good too!"

"No wonder it smells so sweet, it's really different!"

"I think the burgers and sandwiches in Captain's hands must be better."

"It's delicious, do you dare to grab it?"

"I dare not, so I can only eat pastries in silence."

"The little beauty the captain likes is different. Not only is she beautiful, she has an elegant temperament and a good personality, and her craftsmanship is so good."

"Of course, with the captain's family background and ability, how could he be interested in ordinary women."

"The captain would be so happy if he could marry the little beauty back home!"

"I think so too, I'm so envious!"

Several people chatted and laughed while eating, but their voices were not loud, fearing that Feng Yan would overhear them and come over and clean them up.

On the other side, Feng Yan finished the hamburger and sandwich in his hand, still feeling a bit unsatisfied.

"You're just used to them." He said so, but the smile in his eyes betrayed that he was in a good mood.

Xia Ruo finished eating the cake in her hand and said with a smile: "Because they belong to you, otherwise I wouldn't invite them to eat!"

"You made excuses to sneak out on a mission, and you even caught up with others. It's nothing to treat them to a meal." She approached him and whispered.

Feng Yan turned his head, and the two faces were very close to each other, "I knew they were taking advantage of me, this time I owe you interest."

Feeling Feng Yan's breath spraying on her face, Xia Ruo's ears turned slightly red, and she pulled back a distance, "This doesn't look like you! Don't you need interest to pay for it?"

"It won't come this time, it will last forever if you come and go!" The fragrance of Xia Ruo's body was still lingering on the tip of his nose, Feng Yan felt a little regretful.

Xia Ruo nodded in agreement: "Yes, it seems that you have made some progress!"

"I had some insights just now, I want to digest it again, and go to the room to rest first."

"You go to bed too."

She had just stepped into the fourth level of Qi Refining and was still a little unstable. She needed to meditate to absorb spiritual energy to stabilize her cultivation.

Feng Yan stood up, picked up the unfinished milk tea in his hand, "Okay, then let's all go to rest."

The two left the cabin together and went to the rest cabin, and each entered a room corresponding to the number of the ticket.

Xia Ruo took out a futon from the space, walked over to sit cross-legged, and took out a few energy stones and put them aside.

The fairy magic vine was released by her, and stood beside her in a protective posture.

It rubbed against Xia Ruo's hand affectionately, she reached out and scratched its leaves, and then began to practice.

A trace of energy emanated from the energy stone on the ground, and then all of it got into Xia Ruo's body.

The surrounding aura also gathered and penetrated into her body in strands.

She couldn't absorb the refined aura, but it was absorbed by the fairy magic vine without any waste.

About an hour later, all the energy stones on the ground were absorbed and turned into powder. Xia Ruo also finished stabilizing her cultivation and opened her eyes.

The fairy magic vine also grew up because of absorbing energy, she touched its leaves with a smile.

Suddenly the interstellar spacecraft vibrated violently, as if it had been attacked.

I haven’t caught bugs yet after I write them down, I’ll post them as I catch them, maybe one in three or four minutes~~~

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