Feng Yan didn't stop Xia Ruo from going out.

He never thought that Xia Ruo was weak, and he had already identified her. With his future status, after inheriting the first battle group, his woman would definitely need to stand side by side with him, so he respected and delighted her choice.

Walking out of the room, Xia Ruo heard people screaming in fright in some rooms, and there were messy footsteps in the corridor.

Walking into the cabin, Bai Feng and the others looked serious, ready for battle and guard.

Pan Deyue and the others also looked outside nervously, seeing Feng Yan and Xia Ruo walking in, they couldn't help but breathe a little bit of relief.

Before, they thought that Feng Yan was overqualified for the task of protecting them, and there was no chance of accidents along the way. Who would have thought that the crisis would be so unpredictable.

The star thief this time is obviously very courageous, even daring to attack the spaceship of this star airline company.

Pan Deyue took two steps forward, "Feng Zhanjiang, what should we do now?"

The others also looked at Feng Yan in unison, obviously regarding him as the backbone.

The cynicism on Feng Yanjun's face dissipated a long time ago, replaced by a calm and calm expression, giving people an indescribable sense of security and dependence despite his young age.

He said, "Don't worry, I'll talk to the guards on the interstellar spaceship to find out the details."

Then he looked at Bai Feng and the others and said, "Be ready to go out and fight at any time."

"Yes!" The five saluted.

Feng Yan walked towards the cockpit. Before he got out of the cabin, the opposite door opened first.

Several people wearing the uniforms of the guard came in, and one of the leading middle-aged men saw the excitement on Feng Yan's face.

"I've seen General Feng!" He saluted.

Feng Yan nodded, and returned a salute, "What's the situation now?"

The middle-aged man replied: "We have been attacked by a star pirate warship, they sent a warning signal, let us open the hatch and let them in."

"They said they only wanted money and would not kill the passengers on the spaceship, but we couldn't believe it. After all, such star robbers have no credibility at all."

"I heard before that the star robbers with the red skull logo are all vicious and bloodthirsty."

Although they had received special training, it was the first time they encountered such a situation after following so many interstellar spacecraft.

The middle-aged man tried to calm himself down, but he was panicked. Some of them didn't know what to do. It was impossible to let the other party in without opening the hatch, but they couldn't go out to fight either.

Hearing that one of his subordinates said that Feng Yan had also boarded the spaceship, he hurried over to inquire. Fortunately, the young God of War was really there.

Feng Yan asked again: "How is the attack capability of our spaceship? How long can the ion defense last? Can the number of people on the opponent's battleship be detected?"

The middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, and then replied: "This is a civilian spaceship with relatively average attack capabilities. If we want to confront the opponent with firepower, we must not be able to."

"The laser cannons of their warships are the most advanced. The ones that bombarded our spaceship before were only the lowest level. If we use the maximum firepower, our ion defense can last for about an hour at most."

He sighed, "Their warships are also equipped with the latest anti-reconnaissance system, the number of people cannot be detected."

Hearing his words, the faces of the people present were a little ugly.

The ion defense can only last for an hour, no matter if they run away and fly towards the Silver Dragon Empire, or seek help from the Silver Dragon Empire, there will be too little time.

These star thieves are obviously good, they are in big trouble!

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