Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 415 God's Operation in the Music World

The next step is to rotate rest patrols.

One of them went back to the break room and watched the video twice more.

The more he looked at it, the more he felt that it was a pity that Feng Zhanjiang's amazing operation and Xia Ruo's unheard-of piano sound effect were buried in obscurity.

It's a pity that such passion is not shared so that more people can see it.

So he entered the federation's largest star forum and posted two videos on it.

"This is the divine operation of mechs, no rebuttals are accepted!" "

"The sound of the piano that can affect the mech fighters, just want to ask if it's good or not?" "

Both videos were given different titles, and this person also described the details of the interstellar spacecraft encountering the star robbers and their encounters.

In fact, from the video of Feng Yan's battle, it can be seen how dangerous and urgent the situation was.

This star forum has billions of pageviews every day, and someone clicked on these two titles soon.

Then he was completely shocked by the operation of Feng Yan's god-like mech and the crisis situation at that time.

And the magical power of Xia Ruo's piano sound also makes people who click on the video feel incredible!

"Ahh! My male god is so handsome, ten thousand six six six!"

"The number one person in the Federal Mecha, I want to watch the video a hundred times, not a thousand times!"

"It's so exciting, so bloody! Seeing the male god besieged by so many mechas and being bombarded by the laser cannon of the battleship, my heart almost jumped out. Watching the male god's operation against the sky, it is miraculous Turning around, I don’t have any words to describe my mood other than saying I’m too handsome and cool!”

"As expected of my male god, the strongest young God of War in the Federation, he is so handsome!"

"I used to doubt Feng Zhanjiang's title and ability. I always thought that the reason why he climbed so fast might be inseparable from his family background. I felt that the name of the young God of War was hype and exaggeration, but today I am here to ask Feng Zhan Don't apologize, he is worthy of the words "War General" and "War God!"

"I also want to apologize to Young Master Feng. I used to think so too, but after watching the video now, I think Young Master Feng is the youngest and most talented God of War in our federation. I also don't accept rebuttals!"

There were too many people who were excited by the operation of Feng Yan's mecha, and they all stood up and expressed their opinions. Such a video has long been verified by the technical staff as real, so even Heizi couldn't find a place to attack.

In addition to praise and admiration in the forum, the rest is all dog licking!

In addition to discussing Feng Yan's comeback in the video, Xia Ruo has also become a hot topic of concern.

"It's the first time I know that the sound of the piano can also affect mecha beasts, and Xia Ruo has also shown me!"

"If you say that the male god is the operation of the gods in the mecha world, Xia Ruo is the operation of the gods in the music world!"

"Looking at Xia Ruo's frail figure, amidst the skeptical voices, she firmly and calmly wanted to play the piano to help Feng Zhanjiang turn the tables. I was deeply touched, and suddenly felt that her figure grew taller in an instant!"

"Me too. If many people have experienced such a scene, their legs would have been weak, but Xia Ruo used her thin body to support the male god's miraculous comeback. Without her, there would be no victory!"

"As expected of a genius with S-level mental power, I hope that Xia Ruo will recover her mental power one day in the future. This kind of piano music is amazing!"

"That's right! If Xia Ruo's mental strength recovers, she will go to the battlefield in the future, take her there, and sweep the area properly!"

"It turns out that Guqin music still has this charm. I'm going to wash my ears and listen to it again."

"I've listened to it ten times, thank you!"

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