Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 443 I Don't Know You Well

Gongsun Shiqi has always been more confident. Ever since she retired, Yan Lingfeng respected her very much, and the Huanju didn't target Gongsun's family after it recovered steadily.

The last time she went to the hotel to look for him at night, although he was rather indifferent, he still let her into the room and said a few words, and showed that he could cooperate with the Gongsun family, which made her think he was doing it for Own.

People on the Internet and around said that she was Yan Lingfeng's white moonlight and cinnabar mole, and she also felt that she was Yan Lingfeng after hearing a lot.

Because of this, she has always firmly believed that Yan Lingfeng has feelings for her, but he was unhappy when she broke off the engagement.

As long as she turns around, he will definitely wait for her where she is, and then get together again.

I really didn't expect Yan Lingfeng to say such a thing in front of so many people today.

The disgust in his eyes was undisguised, and she had no choice but to ignore it.

Gongsun Shiqi was completely stunned by the blow and stood still, really deadlocked.

On the other side, Xia Ruo and Xia Xuan also heard Yan Lingfeng's words.

Xia Xuan was a little surprised. After all, although Big Pig's Trotter was cold-tempered, but because he was a prince since he was a child, he was very self-restraining, so it had never happened before that the public said harsh words to a woman.

Seeing this, Xia Ruo stretched out her hand and shook Xia Xuan, "Sister, Big Pig's Trotter and his ex-fiancee seem to be fine, the outside rumors may be wrong!"

Xia Xuan felt a little complicated in her heart, and then her eyes became firmer, "The problem between me and him was never because of Gongsun Shiqi!"

After getting along for this period of time, she knew that with her domineering and stern personality, if she really liked Gongsun Shiqi, she would absolutely not allow him to withdraw the engagement.

The white moonlight cinnabar mole is actually just a joke. If the big pig's trotter wants Gongsun Shiqi, he can definitely be included in the womb first, as the other party is eager to post it now.

It's just what she wants, and the big pig's trotters are always evasive and don't give it. Their ideas are very different, so the conflicts will intensify when they live together in the future.

Xia Ruo knew her sister well, and she would have made the same choice if they were together. If they were together, if they didn't trust each other, they might as well break up!

At this moment, a very slight sound fluctuation suddenly came from not far away, somewhat like the sound of a clock.

Such a voice penetrated into Xia Xuan's ears and kept echoing in her subconscious mind, her originally bright eyes froze for a moment.

"I'm going to the bathroom!" Soon her expression returned to normal, she gently squeezed Xia Ruo's hand with her palm, stood up and said.

Xia Ruo knew her sister too well, so she didn't show any strange expression, she nodded and said, "Okay!"

Xia Xuan left the hall, and as the sound of the clock became clearer and clearer, a somewhat ethereal and mixed voice appeared in her mind.

"Lounge No. 3, Lounge No. 3!" The words kept echoing, causing her eyes to freeze again, and then she walked towards the lounge.

After finding lounge No. 3, he opened the door and walked in without hesitation.

As soon as Xia Xuan entered the lounge, she saw Yan Lingtian sitting gracefully on the sofa, holding a glass of red wine!

"Second Prince?"

Yan Lingtian walked to Xia Xuan's door with a wine glass in his hand, with a beast-like possessiveness hidden in his eyes, he said in a low voice: "Xiao Xuan!"

Xia Xuan took a step back, "Second prince, I don't know you well, so it's not good for you to call me that?"

Yan Lingtian sneered, and suddenly reached out to pinch Xia Xuan's chin, but she slapped it away with her backhand.

"I'm your sister-in-law, please show some respect!" Her expression and voice were cold.

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