Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 445 He Can't Tolerate

Yan Lingtian was taken aback by Xia Xuan's attitude, which was completely beyond his expectation.

"What do you mean?" He asked violently.

Xia Xuan looked at him without fear, "I mean, you're such a scumbag, you're just a bastard who can only use women. I have no interest in continuing to play with you, you can get out!"

Yan Lingtian's eyes widened, as if he couldn't understand Xia Xuan at all.

Immediately, he grabbed Xia Xuan's arm and asked calmly, "What do you mean you're not interested in playing anymore? You've been with Yan Lingfeng for a while and fell in love with him, right?"

Xia Xuan wanted to shake off the hand that was holding her arm, but found that the other party had used the power of the phantom beast.

She suddenly smiled like a flower, "Yes! I fell in love with him!"

"So take your dirty hands away from me." She smiled brightly, but there was no warmth in her eyes.

The violence in Yan Lingtian's eyes was even worse, "What? You actually fell in love with him? How could you fall in love with him?"

He grew up under the aura of Yan Lingfeng since he was a child, and he would be compared every time. What he hates most is having such a big brother.

Now, the woman who has sacrificed so much for herself and loved her deeply told him that she fell in love with Yan Lingfeng, which he couldn't accept at all.

Xia Xuan knew that he was not in the right mood, but the more he was like this, the more he would irritate this shameless arrogant guy.

"Why can't you like him? He acts aboveboard, who is like a mouse in the gutter like you, who is timid for the sake of profit, and can sacrifice anything!"

Original body was bullied when she was a child and met Yan Lingtian, he rescued her from those children who bullied her, and then missed her life!

This person knew that Yuanshen loved him so much, and had paid so much for him, but he still only used him and was cold-hearted, so why would he feel uncomfortable and blame him.

Although her memory was sealed, she felt that the original body died of despair, otherwise how could she be killed by the servants who brought her with her keenness trained in the killer organization for so long.

She thought it was caused by her family, but now she is very clear that the original body died voluntarily, and it has nothing to do with this guy!

Yan Lingtian was stunned again, never expecting Xia Xuan to call him a rat in the gutter, which made him go crazy inside.

As soon as Xia Xuan was pulled in front of her, she wanted to kiss, "Xia Xuan, you forced me to do this!"

He knew that Gongsun Shiqi wanted to design Xia Xuan today, so he was going to do whatever he could.

Let someone bully Xia Xuan first, and then let Yan Lingfeng come to rescue, let the other party take pity on her, thus increasing her bargaining chips.

Then when the time was right, he restored Xia Xuan's memory and asked her to go to Hei Yan Lingfeng's terminal to steal useful information or documents.

But seeing Xia Xuan's eye-catching and charming brilliance today, he felt an urge to restore her memory first, hoping that she would not have feelings for Yan Lingfeng.

But to his surprise, Xia Xuan's reaction was completely opposite to what he thought, and it touched his bottom line, which he could not tolerate.

So he had a voice in his heart, he wanted to possess Xia Xuan himself, so that he could never leave him, and even more so, he wanted her to pay the price for betraying him.

Seeing his actions like this, Xia Xuan struggled at first, but then kicked him at the root of his life to no avail.

Yan Lingtian reacted quickly and blocked her feet with his hand, but he let go of her hand because of this.

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