Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 454 Absolutely True Love

The two casually said a few words before hanging up, it was inconvenient to talk in the virtual video.

Feng Yan brushed today's news and said: "Xia Xia, that scumbag and Yan Lingfeng's fiancée made headlines yesterday!"

Xia Ruo sat next to him, he projected the news, stretched out his hand and swipe a few times, and several more eye-catching headlines were revealed.

"The second prince is in the lounge of the music exchange meeting, secretly meeting the prince's ex-fiancée"

"Just after pestering the prince, he became the new favorite of the second prince, the other side of Gongsun Shiqi under the cloak of innocence"

"This is the abandoned prince, turned around and wants to marry the second prince?" Gongsun Shiqi Life Winner"

The titles are all gimmicky and ironic.

The content also revolves around the love and hatred between the two.

Some photos of the second prince and Gongsun Shiqi's private contact in the past were also dug out and put up.

The wind quickly turned to the second prince's premeditated plan to snatch his eldest brother's fiancée, and Gongsun Shiqi also became a playful woman who ate from the pot and looked at the bowl. The good reputation the two had built before collapsed in an instant.

"Yan Lingfeng really acted very vigorously. Now that he is making such a fuss, that scum's reputation will definitely drop, and he deserves it!" Xia Ruo hated Yan Lingtian as soon as he mentioned it.

Feng Yan said with a smile: "Yan Lingfeng can secure the position of prince, control half of the imperial power, and be able to compete with the old emperor. It is not a cheap lamp."

"It's just that scumbag and Gongsun Shiqi who sent him to his door to die."

Otherwise, it would not be easy for Yan Lingfeng to get hold of them. This time the two of them jumped into the Yellow River and they would not be able to clean up.

At noon, Feng Yan drove there according to the address Xia Xuan gave.

This is a well-protected clubhouse in Yinlong Empire, which combines entertainment and restaurants.

As soon as the two entered, Yan Lingfeng's people took them to a private room on the third floor.

After entering the door, Xia Ruo saw Yan Lingfeng talking to her sister in a low voice, and it seemed that she was coaxing and full of pampering.

Don't think about it, the two must have made up yesterday.

Xia Ruo couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, it was definitely true love to be able to indulge and pamper her sister's spoiled queen's temper.

"Ruo Ruo, you are here!"

Seeing the two of them entering the door, Xia Xuan pushed Yan Lingfeng away and stood up, walked over and took Xia Ruo's hand to sit down.

Xia Ruo took advantage of the situation to feel her pulse, "The poison has been completely suppressed, as long as there is no more hypnosis, it will not relapse."

Now that scumbag can't take care of himself, he shouldn't be able to hypnotize him again, and his sister is not a persimmon, she will give him a chance.

Before Xia Xuan could speak, Yan Lingfeng looked at Xia Ruo and asked, "Is there no way to completely detoxify?"

"It's not that I can't, but that I can't do it with my current ability." Xia Ruo said truthfully.

If the toxins in this body are not removed, it will be difficult for her to reach the fifth level of Qi refining, and she will not be able to mobilize the spiritual power and flames to make alchemy.

And to detoxify, you must get the detoxification pill, otherwise this poison has no solution, so that scum is too disgusting!

Yan Lingfeng was a little worried, "Will it affect your body in the future? Is there any medicine that can solve it?"

Xia Ruo shook her head, "Except for the pills I know, there should be no solution for other potions. You can invite some powerful potion masters to try."

"Now that the toxin is suppressed, as long as it is no longer hypnotized, it will have no effect on the body."

The purpose of that scum's poisoning was mainly to control and hypnotize her sister, not to harm her body.

"Okay!" Yan Lingfeng is also planning to ask two pharmacy masters to take a look.

It’s so slow to come out with the computer to code, I’m going home soon, continue at 21:30~~~

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