Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 466 Emperor of the Wisteria Kingdom

Xia Ruo originally wanted to be in the same group as Zhai Junyan, but after listening to Bo Siyu's analysis, she thought it made sense and did not object.

After dividing into groups, everyone discussed again, and then went back to the rest cabin.

Before setting off, Xia Ruo updated a blog post, on which she and Xia Xuan played three pieces together at the music exchange meeting, with a passage.

"The ensemble is very pleasant, I hope to have the opportunity to be together next time!" "

The video was recorded by Feng Yan himself, and he also used real simulation equipment.

It is much clearer than the live broadcast on the Internet before, and the music has the same effect as listening to it live.

Xia Ruo and Xia Xuan's prosperity and glamor were fully revealed, making countless Xia Ruo's fans excited.

As soon as the video was uploaded, the number of downloads continued to increase, and it was soon reposted to the largest international news website in the Federation, and a separate link was opened.

In fact, this video is more meaningful. The ensemble of the new music star of the Federation and the Crown Princess of Yinlong Kingdom not only has international significance, but also has a gimmick.

Anyone who has activated the interstellar authority in the Three Kingdoms can click to watch and download it.

The distant wisteria empire.

The imperial family has a special office building, where the emperor and ministers usually work.

Yun Jing was flipping through today's documents when the secretary knocked on the door and came in with a cup of mellow coffee.

"Your Majesty!" The secretary brought the coffee.

Yunjing smelled that today's coffee was different from usual, it had a familiar aroma.

He took a sip, his expression unchanged, but he was surprised, "Is this the coffee you just changed?"

"This is ordered from the restaurant. It comes from a federal seven-star restaurant. Their original dishes and coffee are highly rated, so some of them were brought in from the logistics side."

The secretary asked cautiously, "I wonder if His Majesty likes it?"

"The taste is not bad, I will use their coffee in the future!"

Yun Jing paused and said, "Let's go to their house for lunch today."

The taste of this coffee is the modern Blue Mountain coffee, which is the same taste that the younger sister planted with fairy magic vines. He needs to confirm it.

"Yes!" The secretary breathed a sigh of relief and backed out.

Since his Majesty ascended the throne, he has changed from his dandyish habits, looking cold and out of the dust like a banished fairy, but he can do things vigorously and resolutely, with a kind of majesty invisibly.

The Silver Dragon Empire and the Wisteria Empire practiced an imperial system, and the emperor had relatively great rights, but they were still relatively free, and it was no big deal to go out to a restaurant for a meal or something.

When it was almost time for lunch, Yun Jing got on the suspension car to the restaurant.

There were several escort cars in front and behind, and just after entering the restaurant, a piece of music played by two instruments echoed in the hall, and he stopped in his tracks.

"What song is this?" He asked the secretary behind him.

The secretary happens to be a music lover, and he replied respectfully: "Your Majesty, this is a song that Xia Ruo, the new music master of the Federation, played together with the Crown Princess of the Silver Dragon Empire at the interstellar exchange meeting held in the Silver Dragon Empire a few days ago. The song "A Laugh from the Sea""

Seeing that His Majesty was interested in listening to it, he continued: "Xia Ruo put the song that she played in the ensemble on her star blog, and it was downloaded and uploaded by the official website of the Federation. People in our empire who have opened the interstellar authority can also download!"

He himself downloaded three songs and listened to them every day recently.

"This song is very tasty. Do you have the link of that Xia Ruo's Xingbo? Send one to my terminal!" Yun Jing suppressed the fluctuation in his heart and said casually.

He has listened to this ensemble piece many times, whether it is rhythm or rhythm, it is completely a masterpiece of the two sisters.

You call me brother every day, so I will release him first~~ Today’s update is over, thank you dears for rewarding and voting~~ My brother’s name has been changed from Yan Qingluo to Yunjing~

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