Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 475 This is Absolute

"After a while, if we accidentally separate and get lost, use the communication ring given by the golden steward to communicate and run towards the location of the Bauhinia beast."

"The more dangerous the natural terrain is now, the better for us."

Bo Siyu was in a very calm state all the time, and he was the genius commander of the Federation juvenile.

Cheng Ming and Lan Zhe also knew what he meant.

Although the families of the two of them are not bad, compared with Bo Siyu and Zhai Junyan, they have opened up a level.

One of these two people is the heir of the Second Battle Group, and the other is the granddaughter of the head of the First Academy. If they are caught, no matter if they ask for a ransom or do anything, they will get two trump cards.

And Xia Ruo has recently been in Starfire because of the sound of the piano, which can affect mech warriors and is useful for mental power, and it is also very useful to catch it back.

"Okay!" The two of them had no resentment in their hearts. Since they decided to follow Bo Siyu, they have been prepared for various dangers.

Zhai Junyan moved his fist, "If it's dangerous, I will restrain them, and you all run to the depths."

"What do you think of us? How could we leave you alone to resist? Isn't this the same as a deserter?" Cheng Ming said with a frown.

Lan Zhe also said: "That's right, although we haven't joined the battle group yet, we can't be deserters!"

Bo Siyu agreed, "We are a team, and we cannot do things that leave our companions behind."

Xia Ruo gave two of the previously drawn talismans to one person, and another person gave a bottle of pills to stop bleeding and heal wounds, "You guys keep it, you may use it."

"If the opponent's firepower is too strong, I will throw a talisman to make them unable to defend, and then everyone will abandon the car and run together."

"As long as we escape into the depths of the forest, we will have a chance to fight back!" She was also very calm, even with a hint of coldness in her eyes.

In the forest, many of her methods can be displayed.

Xia Ruo's calmness and aura exuded from her whole body made several people present stunned.

They couldn't understand Xia Ruo more and more. How did she find those cars coming from the side? None of their radars show up yet.

Just as he was thinking about it, the radar alarm system on the car suddenly sounded, and it really reminded that an unknown vehicle was approaching from the side, and also detected the energy fluctuations of the laser gun and laser cannon.

Bo Siyu took out the laser gun, "Everyone, get ready for the battle, just abandon the car."

Then he asked Xia Ruo: "Can you put the instrument that detects the location of the Bauhinia beast's breath in your space?"

"Okay!" Xia Ruo nodded.

No matter what, she must go to Zibaye this time, and Bo Siyu didn't mention it, she was going to do the same.

She was really fed up with the limitations of her mental strength and body, otherwise she would not need to escape now.

"Could our mission be a trap? Is there something wrong with the bracelet?" She thought for a while and asked Bo Siyu.

Bo Siyu replied: "I have checked the bracelet and it is fine, there is no tracking system in it."

"After going deep inside, our terminal will basically no longer have a signal, so if we get separated, we can only rely on this bracelet to contact us."

He paused and said, "It's unlikely that the task is a trap. The employer's identity in the Federation is not simple, and he can stand the investigation. If something happens to us, he will not be able to escape the responsibility."

"But the mission was leaked, that's for sure."

His eyes were full of chills, "If we can all go back alive, I will also ask my employer to hold me accountable."

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