Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 480 Don't Be Stupid

Xia Ruo was transmitted into the mecha, the fist formed by spiritual consciousness disappeared at any time, and the golden net also fell through.

The red-haired man looked at the disappearing mech, his face darkened, "Damn it!"

Then it turned into a black body, with a tuft of flaming red hair in the middle of its forehead, and a leopard-shaped beast chased after it.

Bo Siyu teleported Xia Ruo to the cockpit, and while looking for the direction to escape, he asked, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, but he came after him again!"

Xia Ruo found that the starry sky beast was very strong, "We are not his opponent, but as long as we can enter the depths of the forest, we have a chance to get rid of him."

"Okay, I'll try my best!" Bo Siyu activated the acceleration mode of the mecha, and rushed aimlessly towards the depths of the forest.

The red-haired man at the back gave chase, and they soon reached the depths of the forest together.

"Boom! Boom!" Suddenly a very strong force hit the mecha, and the whole mecha was unstable and flew out, hitting a big tree heavily.

Soon, countless golden energy fell on the mecha, and the whole mecha was sunk by the attack.

Bo Siyu continued to control, and then he punched down, "Damn it, my mecha is malfunctioning."

His eyes darkened, "This guy's talent is too strong, he is definitely not an ordinary starry sky beast, he is probably a royal family!"

"Get off the mech and run!" Xia Ruo sighed.

Bo Siyu nodded, then activated the emergency door, the two were teleported out, and then continued running towards the depths of the forest without hesitation.

The red-haired man chased after him again, attacking continuously, Bo Siyu fired at him with a laser gun, and Xia Ruo threw the talisman.

But the opponent's strength surpassed theirs by a lot, and so many methods only slowed down the opponent's footsteps, but they were not injured.

"Hiss!" Suddenly, Bo Siyu was hit in the back by the red-haired man's energy gun bullet, and he was so painful that he clutched his chest.

Soon, the corrosive energy of the bullet started to work, and his back was severely corroded.

Xia Ruo immediately took out a bottle of medicine and poured it on his back, which slowed down the rate of corrosion a lot.

"Run, I'll stay and deal with him!" Bo Siyu held his shoulders, the red-haired man behind him was too strong, they couldn't run away together.

As a warrior, his sense of responsibility and mission does not allow him to retreat or ignore Xia Ruo. Since he is injured, he should try his best to buy Xia Ruo some time and opportunity to escape.

"I also ask you to escape, and then report back to the imperial capital about the Star Thieves' collusion with the alien beasts in the starry sky. Please thoroughly investigate the Ye family."

Xia Ruo frowned when he heard his words that seemed to be his last words: "Shut up, I won't leave my teammates behind!"

Then she took out a medicine, "Take it, let's run together!"

Bo Siyu took the medicine obediently and took it. He believed that the medicine Xia Ruo took out would not be bad.

Then he gave Xia Ruo a push, and turned around to meet the red-haired man who was chasing him.

Xia Ruo didn't guard against him, staggered, his face turned black, this guy was so eager to die, he was really speechless!

However, the previous impression of Bo Siyu in my heart has also changed a lot, and the power of the fairy magic vine overflowed with my mind.

Then the surrounding plants seemed to be alive, and the vine branches and leaves grew wildly, abruptly stopping the red-haired man's running steps.

When Bo Siyu was stunned, Xia Ruo walked over and dragged him away, "I said I won't die so easily, don't be stupid!"

Continue at 14 o'clock~~

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