Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 486 Ruoruo My Family Has Been Wronged

"You have no right to know!"

Yun Jing's voice was cold, and he punched the blond man flying.

The blond man's eyes were full of anger and unwillingness, how did this group of guys come out?

Most importantly, the people he brought were simply invincible.

He was trembling with pain all over his body now, this guy hit him too hard, he beat him to death.

He could feel that the other party was exuding killing intent all over his body.

Seeing that the person he brought was seriously injured by the mecha warrior brought by the other party, this guy's people cooperated with a battle formation he had never seen before, which weakened their talent restraint of the alien beasts in the starry sky a lot, he Depressed to vomit blood.

The blond man was beaten into the air again, and his mouth was really vomiting blood. He suppressed the unwillingness in his heart, and directly transformed into a black beast that looked like a leopard, and roared at the sky.

Then he suddenly rushed towards the cliff and jumped out.

Then a blurred warship appeared and teleported him in.

The battleship moved away at the fastest speed, and Yun Jing chased after it.

As soon as he caught up with the battleship, a group of dense flying beasts appeared in the sky, blocking his mecha's footsteps.

By the time he got rid of these flying beasts, the battleship had disappeared and could no longer be chased.

Yun Jing squinted his eyes, he had locked on the other party's breath and appearance just now, and there will always be a chance to retaliate in the future.

He turned back to the cliff.

At this time, his men also beheaded or captured those alien beasts.

"Take the captives to the spaceship, and wait for me on it!" His cold voice came out.

Those mecha fighters respectfully said in unison: "Yes!"

Then he grabbed the captive starry space beast on the spaceship and knocked him unconscious.

Yun Jing also jumped out of the mech.

Looking at the opposite side, Xia Ruo looked like a handsome young man in a white battle suit, his eyes were red, "Brother!"

The cold aura on Yunjing's body dissipated, and was replaced by pampering.

He walked in front of Xia Ruo, reached out and rubbed her head, "My family Ruoruo has been wronged!"

"Brother!" Xia Ruo threw herself into Yunjing's arms, feeling the warm and familiar atmosphere, and said with a choked voice, "I finally saw my brother!"

The sisters are more like friends and best friends together, and the elder sister will help her find a place, but it is different from the elder brother.

The elder brother is more like their elder, whether in daily life or in cultivation, he has always cared for them meticulously since childhood.

They are also the most dependent relatives of their sisters.

Yun Jing hugged Xia Ruo back, and patted her on the back lightly, "Brother finally found you too!"

Xia Ruo let go of Yunjing and raised her head, her eyes were red, "Every time I am in danger or bullied, my brother will always show up at the first time, and then help me find the place, I didn't expect it to be the same here."

She was loved and loved by her brothers and sisters since she was a child, and they couldn't see her being wronged.

Yun Jing rubbed Xia Ruo's head again, "Who made you my sister!"

"Brother, how do you know I'm here, and how did you find me?" Xia Ruo asked curiously.

Yun Jing replied: "I accidentally saw your Xingbo, and recognized you and Xuanxuan. Someone found out that you came here for a mission, and got the information that the starry sky beast wanted to catch you, so I hurried coming!"

"The reason why we found this place is because the spaceship detected the fluctuation of the fight just now."

He was a little bit scared and thankful, but fortunately he arrived, otherwise his sister would definitely be seriously injured if she jumped off such a high cliff.

Xia Ruo shook Yun Jing's arm affectionately, "Brother is the best!"

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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