Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 491 Keep Brainwashing Yourself

Bo Siyu had a similar guess.

"Let's find a location that you can lock on now, and you hurry up and bring that starry sky beast over here!"

"Okay, hurry up, I'm about to be overwhelmed." Zhai Junyan was chasing a sixth-level beast. She couldn't beat her and could only keep running, and now her physical and mental strength were almost exhausted.

If she hadn't taken a pill that Xia Ruo gave to supplement her strength before, and threw two talismans to stop the opponent, she would have been arrested in all likelihood.

"Hmm! Hold on a little longer."

Bo Siyu stood up and said to Xia Ruo, "Let's go out here first."

"Okay!" Xia Ruo was always worried about Zhai Junyan's safety.

Several people quickly left the cave and passed through the green mist barrier.

Feeling the limp little thing in her arms, Xia Ruo realized that this guy was actually poisoned by the green mist.

Immediately took out a pill and stuffed it into his mouth, "The little sick cat is really weak!"

She guessed that the little guy might have been living in it all the time, and it was the first time he came out, so he was poisoned when he hit the barrier.

Fan Yue exploded with anger, who does this woman say is weak?

He was chasing and hiding everywhere before, and he wasn't a real native beast. He didn't wear anti-virus equipment, so of course he would be poisoned.

But don't mention it, this woman really has a few brushes in medical skills. Just now he felt so uncomfortable that he couldn't breathe. After taking the pill, he felt much more comfortable, and the dizziness was also relieved.

Fan Yue, who originally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity, pondered for a moment, and decided to stay by Xia Ruo's side for the time being.

It's just that the potion that that bastard gave him was so targeted that he didn't know when he would be able to return to his normal adult state.

This kind of cub is too weak, just surviving in this forest is very troublesome, if the bastard brings people back to find him, it will be really sad.

He kept brainwashing himself, letting Xia Ruo hug him like a quail.

When he recovers, give this woman some color and let her call him a sick cat.

After walking out of here, Bo Siyu and the other two also got in touch.

The situation of the two of them is also not optimistic, not only being chased by alien beasts in the starry sky, but also by the star thief group.

Bo Siyu also quickly sent the location to the two, asking them to lead those people over.

Seeing a strange beast not far away, Fan Yue rolled his eyes and roared in a low voice.

Xia Ruo and the others looked over one after another, and the strange beast that had inadvertently entered was frightened and ran away immediately.

However, Fanyue's voice spread out through the special talent sound waves, and soon the alien beasts in the starry sky who were chasing Zhai Junyan and the three of them stopped in their tracks.

The captain actually asked them to evacuate and return to the planet first, what's going on?

However, Fanyue's prestige in their hearts was very high, they didn't have any intention of disobeying the order, they turned around and ran towards the location where the off-road vehicle was parked when they came.

They didn't know, and because they were so obedient, they escaped unharmed this time.

Zhai Junyan, who was running, found that the alien beast in the starry sky that was chasing him had suddenly left, with an inexplicable expression on his face.

But she won't go to find out, she really can't beat the opponent, otherwise she would have killed him long ago.

Without a big mountain behind to chase her, she ran to support Lan Zhe and the others.

The two of them were not threatened by alien beasts in the starry sky, and they were much more relaxed.

It's just that they have been running away all the time, and their mental and physical strength are almost exhausted. The three of them continued to run while resisting.

The star thief is not stupid either. Seeing the alien beast in the sky retreat suddenly, he always felt that there was something wrong, so he chased after him and slowed down under the command of the leader.

In the end, the three of Zhai Junyan ran out of the pursuit range.

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