A look of surprise appeared on Xia Ruo's face, when did Bo Siyu start thinking about her?

She played with the coffee cup, raised her eyebrows and asked, "Try? Don't say you like me."

Bo Siyu looked serious, nodded and smiled: "Yes, I like you."

"I'm officially pursuing you now, and I want to have a relationship with you. If we match each other, we can enter the palace of marriage in the future."

He has been pursued by many women since he was a child, but this is the first time he has confessed his pursuit to a woman.

Since he likes it, he will take the initiative to attack.

Xia Ruo really didn't expect that Bo Siyu would like to pursue her, she refused without any hesitation: "Sorry, I don't have feelings for you, so just try."

She wasn't disgusted with Bo Siyu, and even admired his commanding talent and his character of not giving up his teammates easily, but she didn't feel the slightest bit moved.

Bo Siyu was not surprised, he had long thought that Xia Ruo would not be so easy to impress, after all, the way they met for the first time was not pleasant.

"You can think about it!"

Xia Ruo shook her head: "No, it's impossible for us, so don't think about it, I'll take it as if you just made a joke or didn't say it."

She doesn't like hanging on to others, since it's impossible, she should say it outright without delaying others.

Of course, she won't give hope to people she doesn't like, and get entangled with them.

With firm eyes, Bo Siyu said with a light smile, "I won't force you, but I won't give up."

Xia Ruo shrugged, "I can only say sorry, we are not suitable!"

"It's almost there, I'll go in and take a rest, you can do it yourself!" Xia Ruo turned and went back to the lounge after speaking.

Watching Xia Ruo leave, Bo Siyu's expression darkened slightly. He didn't expect that he finally fell in love with a woman, but failed in his pursuit.

However, he has never been a person who likes to give up halfway. If Xia does not agree, he will not give up.

More than an hour later, the battleship landed at the base of the Federal Second War Regiment.

Xia Ruo came out of the room with the kitten in her arms, and didn't show any embarrassment when facing Bo Siyu, as if the things she confessed before didn't exist.

Bo Siyu's expression was relatively normal, and he didn't pester Xia Ruo alone.

After leaving the battle group, he drove Zhai Junyan and the others home one after another, and finally Xia Ruo.

There was no mention of the pursuit in the car, and they chatted casually.

Xia Ruo thought that because of the previous polite refusal, Bo Siyu should have given up, after all, this person is also a well-known proud son of the emperor.

It was only the next day that she realized that she had thought too much, and she would become more persistent and unable to guard against what the proud son of heaven wanted to do.

After resting for the night, Xia Ruo went to school to withdraw from vacation, and then went to class.

Walking into the classroom, I found that many people looked at her with complex, admiring, worshiping, or envious eyes.

She walked to the seat and sat down, and asked the female classmate who was on good terms next to her, "What's wrong?"

The female classmate said with admiration in her eyes: "Xia Ruo, you are really good! You even won the Bai Xiaocao of the First Academy."

Xia Ruo frowned slightly, "What do you mean?"

Seeing that she didn't know, the female classmate asked in surprise, "Didn't you read your Starblog? Bo Siyu @你了, and then everyone in the federation will know that he likes you!"

Xia Ruo's face turned dark, she really didn't know, she had been dealing with purple loquat leaves last night, and came to school directly in the morning, before she had time to browse Xingbo.

"Let me see!" After she finished speaking, she immediately entered the terminal's Xingbo, and the comments on it were already in chaos.

Xia Ruo, I like you! @ Xia Ruo

Bo Siyu@her words are also hanging brightly.

Go out to have a meal and come back to write, continue at 22:00, okay~~

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