Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 516 Go back and grab it

Ming Rui and Xi Yu also heard Feng Yan's call, and they immediately went to Xingbo to have a look.

"Damn it, Bo Siyu, a shameless person, took advantage of the absence of the boss to play Xingbo to confess his love." Ming Rui couldn't help cursing.

They just came up with a plan to make the boss a romantic confession, who knew that Bo Siyu would come out like this, this is completely an opportunity!

Their plan was useless. After half a month to confess their love, the day lily was cold.

No wonder the air-conditioning and baleful aura emanating from the boss is so strong that even he finds it scary.

Ming Rui pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, "The question now is, what is Xia Ruo's attitude?"

As long as Xia Ruo is not interested in Bo Siyu and refuses or ignores the confession, then their boss will be fine.

Just be afraid, Bo Siyu's shameless guy is too offensive, which makes Xia Ruo tempted.

Feng Yan said nothing with a cold face, and looked at the person handing over the work, "Is it all right?"

The man shivered. Originally, there was still a procedure that had to be completed in the afternoon, but he didn't dare to say it.

"Yes, it's fine!" He immediately took out the handover document, "General Feng Zhan, please sign it, and we'll do the rest."

Feng Yan is the successor of the first battle group, so it's okay to simplify the procedures, otherwise he is really afraid that he will be affected and angered.

Not everyone can bear Feng Bawang's anger.

Feng Yan was about to explode, but the more he watched like this, the calmer he became. He took the document and quickly signed it, then turned around and left.

Ming Rui and Xi Yu immediately chased after seeing this, only to see a blue streamer disappear in front of them, and Feng Yan had already left in the mecha.

"For the first time, I feel that the breath of the boss is so scary." Xi Yu swallowed, looked at Ming Rui and asked, "Do you think he is going to beat Bo Siyu?"

If it was him, he would definitely rush to beat up that shameless guy.

Mingrui gave him a blank look, "The boss is not you, and if you go to visit Bo Siyu now, you are surrendering your status, which means that you have no confidence, and you don't know the priority."

"Then what is the boss going to do?" Xi Yu rubbed his chin and asked.

Ming Rui summoned the mecha, "It must be to snatch people! Stupid!"

"Hurry up, let's go cheer for the boss!" Then he jumped up first.

Only then did Xi Yu come to his senses, and he called out his mecha, and the two chased after Feng Yan.

On the way, Feng Yan received calls from his father, elder brother, Huo Tianhao and others one after another.

After being bombed in turn, he almost crushed the control buttons of the mecha.

There is only one thought in his mind, he must go back to rob people, he must go back to rob people, and he must not let Xia Xia run away with others.

Thinking that Xia Ruo might be with other people, he couldn't help but feel pain in his heart. Is this love?

He also regretted it. Before, he always looked forward and backward, and was afraid that Xia Ruo would change his attitude towards him after confessing. He should have confessed earlier, so that no one else would have the opportunity to take advantage of it.

He thought about entering the terminal, and planned to go to @夏瑞 on Xingbo, but the signal in this remote space was too weak, so he could only make some emergency calls, and couldn’t access the Internet, so he had to give up.

So the speed of the mecha was adjusted to the maximum, and it flew towards the federal capital.

Feng Yan is on his way here, and Xia Ruo can feel gazes from all directions wherever he goes after class.

She frowned in displeasure, Bo Siyu, a bastard with a white face, was just looking for trouble for her.

So I did a very domineering thing, clicked on the terminal and went to Xingbo.

I do not like you! @伯斯雨

As soon as this star blog came out, it exploded instantly, and many people who were guessing when Xia Ruo and Bo Siyu would be together were completely stunned!

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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