Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 524 Congratulations

The two walked over and sat down. Although Bo Siyu drank a lot of wine and became drunk, his mind remained sober.

"You guys are here!"

Lan Zhe sighed, "Boss, if you really like it that much, go and fight Feng Yan to the end."

Bo Siyu picked up a wine glass and smiled self-deprecatingly, "If you compare your family background and personal ability, I've never been afraid of Feng Yan, but this time I really lost."

"I understand Xia Ruo's temperament. Her choice is difficult to change. If I do other things, she will definitely be disgusted. She won't even think about being friends in the future."

He was really moved by Xia Ruo, so even if the other party rejected him, and because Feng Yan made him lose face in the imperial capital, he still didn't want to become the person that the other party hated and resented in the future.

"Boss, are you going to give up?" Cheng Ming asked.

Bo Siyu shook his glass, "I don't know, but I won't do anything now."

Lan Zhe thought for a while, "That's fine!"

Doing something or grabbing it now would be a bit of a loss, and it would arouse Xia Ruo's resentment, so it's better not to do it, and wait for things to fade away.

It's just that this incident will definitely affect the status of some bosses in the Bai family. After all, the boss is not like Feng Yan. He is the favorite treasure of everyone in the Feng family. There are many competitors for his heir position, and someone will jump out from time to time. play tricks.

What happened today, they heard that some high-level members of the Bai family were already dissatisfied.

"Boss, I'm afraid someone from the Bai family is going to come out to dance again." Lan Zhe reminded.

Bo Siyu narrowed his eyes coldly, "Then let them jump, I just happen to be in a bad mood!"

When you are in a bad mood, you always have to find something to do.

Immediately, he completely recovered the calm and rational Gui Shao, stood up and said, "Go back!"

Lan Zhe and Cheng Ming were relieved when they saw this. Fortunately, the boss was not dazzled by love, nor was he irritated by Feng Yan, so he quickly followed.

After the three of them left, a handsome and refined man sat at a table not far from where they were.

He hooked his lips with some interest and calculation, "You and Bo Siyu continue to deepen your contact, this incident may be a breakthrough."

"Yes!" A man in a battle suit sitting next to him nodded.

On the farm, Xia Ruo and Feng Yan didn't bother to cook when they came back, so they went to the cafeteria to eat.

In the past few days, Fei Shufen was taken by Aunt Xia to travel, and she was not at the farm.

After eating, Feng Yan called it Xiaoshi, and then took Xia Ruo for a walk on the farm for an hour before returning to the villa.

After taking a shower, Xia Ruo's terminal rang.

The virtual projection connected to Xia Xuan appeared.

"Sister Xuan!"

Xia Xuan's bright face was stained with a smile, "Do I want to congratulate you, you will soon be out of the single ranks?"

She read the federation's news today, and seeing Feng Yan professing his sister and declaring sovereignty with an invincible domineering aura, not only did she not feel disgusted, but found it very interesting.

When she was in the Silver Dragon Empire, she had already seen Feng Yan's liking for her younger sister, and acted with respect and scruples about her younger sister's feelings, which was rare with Feng Yan's status.

My sister's temperament is actually not suitable for Bo Siyu's type, and she is a good match with a little wolf dog like Feng Yan, so that life can be enjoyed.

Xia Ruo chuckled: "It should be soon!"

"When I'm out of the single ranks, I'll treat sister Xuan to dinner. If I have a chance, I'll give you some beauty pills to keep you young and beautiful forever!" She added with a meaningful smile.

I’m finally going home today. I’m going out to eat and then I’m going to catch a train. I’m going to continue writing and posting on the high-speed rail. It’s expected to be around 19 o’clock~~

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