Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 526 Believe in Love Again

Two minutes later, Feng Yan came out with two plates filled with fried eggs.

After putting it down, he turned back and brought out two bowls of porridge.

Putting a copy in front of Xia Ruo, he said with some embarrassment: "That's what I learned about these two, you try it first, and I'll learn something else later."

In fact, he has learned several things, but only these two are edible, and he doesn't want to taste the others.

Xia Ruo looked at the breakfast in front of her, took a photo with the terminal first, and took a sip of the porridge, "It's okay."

I took another bite of the egg, "The salt taste is moderate, not bad!"

Xia Ruo thinks Feng Rogue is pretty good if he doesn't fry the eggs and boil the porridge.

Since he wanted to show off, she would naturally not dampen his enthusiasm. Appropriate praise should be given.

The smile on Feng Yanjun's face widened, it was rare for him to be praised by Xia Ruo, "Then I will make it for you when I have a chance in the future!"

"Okay!" Xia Ruo drank the porridge again, raised her head and smiled and asked, "I just took a photo of the porridge and eggs you made, can you post a star blog?"

Previously, Feng Yan confessed his love and defended him in various ways on Xingbo, but she didn't respond.

Seeing him standing in the kitchen making breakfast today, I don't know why I came up with this idea.

Feng Yan's eyes lit up, "I don't mind, you can post it anyway, do you want to post me too?"

He pulled the chair closer to Xia Ruo, smiled and leaned over, "You can also add a photo of us together."

Seeing his rascal appearance, Xia Ruo smiled and gave him a blank look, "Get out, don't push yourself!"

Then he logged on to Xingbo and posted a photo of fried eggs and porridge on the dining table with a sentence.

Xia Ruo: The breakfast he cooked is not bad, praise! @fengyan

Feng Yan had been waiting on the Xingbo for a long time, and when he saw the refreshed Xingbo, the smile in Taohua's eyes was about to overflow.

He backhandedly edited the photo of Xia Ruo bowing his head and drinking porridge just now, and also posted a Xingbo.

Feng Yan: She praised me for making a good breakfast, happy! I will make persistent efforts and continue to work hard @夏瑞

The two posted Xingbo one after another, and soon there were explosions.

"Feng Bawang actually cooks breakfast for Xia Ruo, this is true love, it's all right!"

"Ahh! It turns out that the male god is a warm man, Xia Ruo is so happy!"

"Damn it, Feng Bawang actually washes his hands to make soup, what kind of showmanship is this? My eyes are almost blinded."

"Of course it's Chasing Xia Ruo's coquettish operation, Feng Bawang is mighty, I'll eat this dog food!"

"I also ate this dog food, it's too sweet!"

"So sweet, so sweet!"

"This is the 666 of Bonn Love Show!"

"Feng Bawang, you are doing well!"

"Feed us dog food early in the morning, I don't even want to eat breakfast after eating!"

"Me too, dog food is enough!"

"Give me another catty of this dog food, it's so sweet!"

"Feng Bawang made me believe in love again!"

"It's so sweet that even a single dog like me wants to fall in love!"

There were tens of thousands of comments on the star blog of the two, and millions of likes.

With Feng Yan's status, it's not just the fans or the melon-eaters who pay attention, but also the senior executives of the major families of the Federation and the younger generation are always paying attention.

Seeing San'er, the baby of the Feng family, learning how to cook breakfast in order to court a girl, they were almost startled.

They didn't know what to say, they could only say that Mrs. Feng could play.

I don't know how the Feng family will react when they find out, everyone is very curious.

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