Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 535 So This Is the Power of Love

If it were normal, Jiang Yi's grades would still be very good.

Those who can score 40 points in the pharmacy theory assessment are considered top-notch, but compared with Xia Ruo's 50 points, this makes people feel that it is not enough.

"Jiang Yi is six points behind Xia Ruo, which means that her theoretical knowledge is not as solid as hers!"

"I thought he would also get full marks in the test, but I didn't expect it to be so far behind."

"Xia Ruo's theoretical exams have always been very good, and there may be more rote memorization behind the scenes."

"You memorize one by rote to see if you can get a full score in the exam. It really doesn't hurt your back to stand up and talk."

"That is, if rote memorization can get full marks in the test, then the second college's pharmacy theory test will never have full marks, and Xia Ruo is the first one."

"It is undeniable that Xia Ruo is really good in the theoretical test, but not necessarily in the practical test. Jiang Yi should have an advantage in this regard."

"That's right, Jiang Yi's practical examination will probably be able to break the score. He is already a second-level pharmacist."

"The most important thing is that if Xia Ruo's mental power drops to D-level, she will not be able to configure a second-level potion at all, and she will lose in terms of innateness!"

"She can find the kind of potion that Feng Bawang wants to restore mental power temporarily, so she may be able to configure a second-level potion."

"The assessment does not allow the use of any foreign aids, including potions, etc. Don't you know? So Xia Ruo will lose to Jiang Yi in the practical assessment."

"Oh, what a pity!"

A crowd of people discussed heatedly in the comments on the school website, and almost all of them thought that Xia Ruo would lose to Jiang Yi in the practical test.

The teachers also had the same idea, not because they looked down on Xia Ruo's ability, but because innate factors had already determined her failure.

After Jiang Yi's score was refreshed, another message was refreshed soon.

\u0026lt;Volume 1 of elective course of pharmacy, Feng Yan finished the assessment, with a score of 40 points\u0026gt;

This result stunned many people. Feng Bawang actually scored 40 points in the exam. He had never been interested in medicine.

"Feng Bawang actually got such a high score in the test. Could it be that the questions in the medicine theory test are relatively easy?"

"It's not impossible. Feng Bawang has no talent in pharmacy. Xia Ruo followed his mother."

"In this case, do you think there will be many scores of 40 points or more today?"

"It's not impossible!"

But soon they were slapped in the face again.

The scores of the others were revealed one after another. Except for Feng Yan and the other three, no one got 40 points in the exam.

Not to mention forty, there are not many people in their thirties, most people are in their twenties, and there are still some.

For those who got a few points in the test, even if they got a perfect score in the practical test, it means that they will definitely miss the elective course of pharmacy.

Xi Yu was one of them. He sighed at this result, and chose to give up the next practice.

Mingrui scored 29 points in the theory test, and if he can score 31 points in the practical class, he will be considered a pass.

However, he has no potion talent at all, and he can't configure potions, so he also chooses to give up.

"So it's not that the assessment is too easy, but that Feng Bawang is the same."

"I heard that Xia Ruo will help Feng Bawang with his pharmacy class. He must have made a surprise review this time."

"Feng Bawang enrolls in the elective course of pharmacy because of Xia Ruo. Of course, he can't let himself fail and be dismissed. Otherwise, how can he accompany Xia Ruo?"

"So this is the power of love!"

A bunch of people below started to go wrong, from discussing medicine assessment, directly extended to Feng Bawang's high score in surprise test due to love and so on.

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