Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 539 How can I pinch?

Before Shi Ruyue was about to announce the start of the assessment, Xia Ruo raised her hand.

"What do you want?" Shi Ruyue walked up to her and asked.

Xia Ruo replied: "Teacher, I still need two herbs, I want to apply for it!"

Shi Ruyue was a little surprised, "What medicinal material?"

Xia Ruo quickly reported her name, "It's these two."

Shi Ruyue was very surprised, "This is the main material for configuring the third-level hemostatic healing potion, do you really want to configure it?"

Xia Ruo nodded, "That's right, I want to try configuring a third-level medicine!"

"To win Jiang Yi?" Shi Ruyue frowned slightly.

In her opinion, medicine is not a tool for betting.

Xia Ruo replied with a smile: "No, I just want to show my true level and respect this medicine test."

When she hadn't recovered her body, she could indeed make a third-level potion with the help of potions that temporarily restore her mental power.

I haven't tried the fourth-level medicine yet, but there is no need to try it in public, it would be too high-profile.

Hearing this, Shi Ruyue loosened her brows, with a somewhat satisfied smile in her eyes, "Okay, I'll send someone to deliver it now, and you prepare the auxiliary medicinal materials first."

Regardless of whether Xia Ruo can do it in the end, it is enough to have this respect, and she appreciates it.

As for Xia Ruo not fooling her, she still believed in her own eyes and judgment.

So he sent a message to ask someone to deliver the medicinal materials.

At this time, there were a lot of comments in the comment area.

"Third-level medicine, Xia Ruo really wants to configure a third-level medicine?"

"I didn't take the potion for temporarily restoring mental strength. I want to know how she prepared the third-level potion."

"Even if you recover your mental power temporarily, it won't be easy to configure a third-level potion, right?"

"There is no third-level pharmacist at her age, not only the Federation, but also the Silver Dragon and Wisteria Empires!"

"It's over, Xia Ruo fell for Jiang Yi's provocative method!"

"Hey, why is this! I'm a little disappointed in Xia Ruo."

"I don't think it's necessary to be strong for the sake of face. In fact, as long as you show your true level and pass the assessment, it's enough. Xia Ruo's strong support makes me feel a little uncomfortable and disappointed."

"It was doomed to fail. It can also be said that her performance is affected by the high level of the potion."

Xia Ruo's decision made many of her fans choose to remain silent, because they really didn't know what to say.

Continue to pinch those black fans who say that Xia Ruo is showing off?

They all feel that if Xia Ruo can't prepare a third-level potion, how can they pinch it?

Most of them chose to be silent, but Xia Ruo also has true fans, regardless of whether they think their goddess is the best, and they will definitely win!

He was also scolded by the navy as a brain-dead.

As soon as the three-minute preparation time was up, Shi Ruyue announced for everyone to start.

Xia Ruo picked up the medicinal materials and prepared them carefully and attentively, and the others also entered the state.

During the live broadcast, everyone's eyes were on Xia Ruo and Jiang Yi.

Especially Xia Ruo, not only the fans were staring at her, but also the trolls of black fans were staring at her.

I hope she makes a mistake quickly, or does not operate properly, so that they can bring a wave of rhythm.

But it was obvious that Xia Ruo was going to disappoint them. From the very beginning, she did a good job, and it could be seen that her skills were very skilled.

Compared with Jiang Yilai, it is not only more pleasing to the eye, but also inexplicably gives people a more professional feeling.

Shi Ruyue's people also brought the poor medicinal materials. Seeing that Xia Ruo was concentrating on her own configuration world, she put it on the table and didn't bother her.

Judging from this state and technique alone, Xia Ruo had a huge advantage over Jiang Yi, and she couldn't help feeling a sense of anticipation.

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