Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 541 Why Stare at Xia Ruo?

When Xia Ruo said this, everyone who was watching the live broadcast was dumbfounded.

What is this operation?

"Ahh! If I'm too handsome, I'll ask you if you can still laugh!"

"If I were a cow, my mental strength and physical fitness would have recovered. I really want to ask those people if their faces hurt!"

"Haha, it must hurt. I think not only can't they laugh, but their faces definitely hurt."

"If I'm too skinny, I really like it!"

"I used to be a melon eater, but now I've decided to become a fan of Xia Ruo!"

"If I am mighty, no wonder Feng Bawang and Mr. Bai like me. If I am so domineering, who wouldn't like me!"

"Have you noticed that the group of people who were jumping and jumping just now stopped talking. I suspect that someone must have invited the navy."

"Because they can't laugh, they are crying in front of the screen."

"Isn't this obvious? Jiang Yi asked the navy to blackmail Xia Ruo before, and there was no conflict at that time. This time, he added a bet. If he doesn't find the navy black man, is it still his shameless style?"

"Feng Bawang, if I've been hacked, it's time for you to act!"

"Feng Bawang, it's time for you to perform!"

Fans and netizens of Feng Yan and Xia Ruo below all started shouting for Feng Bawang, those navy sunspots wanted to keep pace, but the comments were quickly brushed down to the bottom.

Jiang Minyun and the others behind Jiang Yi saw the content of the live broadcast, their original smile froze, they couldn't laugh anymore, not only that, they were also very angry.

Xia Ruo suddenly announced the restoration of mental strength and physical fitness, which also caught them off guard, and all subsequent plans were disrupted.

"Hurry up, send Xu Ying out of the federation immediately." Jiang Minyun reacted immediately.

She knew very well that Xia Ruo's physical fitness and mental strength did not accidentally drop to D-level, but she was poisoned.

Now that she has recovered, it can only mean that the dead girl has been detoxified, and Xu Ying should be exposed.

The people around her moved quickly, trying to take Xu Ying away.

Second College Laboratory.

The students who were present for the assessment were also shocked by Xia Ruo's words, and they were relieved one by one.

It turned out that Xia Ruo recovered, no wonder she was able to concoct a third-level medicine, but it was also very powerful, and she hadn't learned medicine for long.

Jiang Yi held the prepared secondary potion, the previous smug smile on his face was replaced by a vicious look, and there was still a look of disbelief in his eyes.

Didn't Xia Ruo lose his mental strength because of poisoning? How could it be recovered?

Seeing Jiang Yi's expression, many people on the Internet raised questions.

"I'm very surprised, why Jiang Yi is so hostile to me Ruo, is it because he is jealous of my beauty and talent?"

"I'm also curious, why is he staring at Xia Ruo?"

"Why does it always feel like there is some hidden secret? What happened to Xia Ruo?"

At this moment, Xia Ruo walked up to Jiang Yi, and asked with a smile that was not a smile: "Student Jiang, are you shocked why I can recover my mental power? How can I recover?"

Jiang Yi came back to his senses, and asked with a calm face: "How could you recover? Did you drink the potion that temporarily restores mental power in advance? You cheated!"

These words made Shi Ruyue and the mentor who came in for inspection with the equipment blackened.

"Student Jiang, please be responsible for your own words and deeds."

"We bought this instrument from the Federal Instrument Company, and there is absolutely no cheating. Student Xia did not take any medicine. This is confirmed by my inspection. If you make random guesses, I have the right to sue you for defamation." The inspector said solemnly.

A sudden power outage delayed me, but luckily there is a mobile phone hotspot~~

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