Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 545 Feng Yan Learned and Utilized

Everyone kept condemning, and soon someone came out to set the rhythm.

"By the way, who is Jiang Yi's wild father? I'm curious, what did this man do in it?"

"That's right, being able to hook up with Master Xu's servant and give birth to a bastard who dare not announce it, this man is not a good bird, and he must have an unknown conspiracy."

"Although Jiang Yi has always denied it, judging by his appearance, that wild father is definitely not innocent."

"It's hidden so deep! It can't be related to the other two countries, or the Alliance of Starry Beasts, right? After all, they persecuted Master Xu who has contributed to the alliance."

"It would be terrible if that were the case!"

"Jiang Yi is a descendant of the Jiang family. Since his biological mother is Xu Ying's humble servant, does the Jiang family know who his father is?"

"Could it be his father now? He is actually the illegitimate child of that man and Xu Ying?"

"The Jiang family must know something. Whether it is their affair with Xu Ying or the adoption of Jiang Yi, at least they will not be innocent."

"I heard that there are two Jiang masters, one valued the heir of Jiang Yi's family very much, and the other accepted him as a student. I just want to know, do these two people know what happened today?"

"Bringing this up, I suddenly remembered that Master Jiang Minyun and Xia Ruo's mother, Master Xu, are still good friends, right? She actually accepted the son who might kill her friend's murderer as a student. Could there be something ulterior in this? Tricky?"

"Don't blame me for conspiracy theories. Why do I feel that this Master Jiang might be behind the scenes or something. When Master Xu was there, she had nothing to do with her in the pharmaceutical industry. Jealousy is sometimes the original sin, and there are many things about being betrayed by girlfriends." .”

"I agree with the above, I can't help the conspiracy theory, there are too many coincidences, people can't help but contact!"

"Also, why did the live broadcast suddenly cut off when Xia Ruo and Feng Bawang came out to talk? Obviously, some people didn't want Jiang Yi to lose his mind and say things he shouldn't say when he broke down emotionally, so it's definitely not easy behind this matter."

"That's right, there must be pushers behind Jiang Yi's mother and son, and they actually hacked the live broadcast monitoring of the Second Academy. Do you think that everyone will not discover the conspiracy?"

"Great hackers, hurry up and dig it up, breaking the news, this melon is too big, we want to keep eating it!"

"Yes, everyone, take action and dig out the people or forces behind this disgusting mother and son. Otherwise, maybe the next problem will not be Master Xu and Xia Ruo, but will endanger the entire Federation."

Soon everyone diverted their attention. Apart from condemning Jiang Yi's mother and son, they also focused on the people behind them, and they were especially interested in who Jiang Yi's father was.

The official Weibo of Jiang's company was captured instantly, and then the stock price plummeted.

The same is true for Jiang Minyun's Weibo, not only was it captured, but also many people scolded her.

Because Jiang Yunqi is relatively well-known in the federation, and is the son-in-law of the Ye family, there are a lot fewer people going to his Weibo, and there are not many people complaining about it, but there are quite a lot of questioning.

Of course, it was Feng Yan's handwriting. Since the last time he personally got rid of a wave, he also discovered the power of the Internet.

Since Jiang Yi and the mice behind him always like to use this trick, why can't he use it in reverse?

This is what he came up with to discuss the plan with Xia Ruo, and he is ready to use what he has learned. It is also another important reason why he asked his aunt to help start the live broadcast today.

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