Xia Ruo and Feng Yan teamed up to break the news, which caught the people behind Jiang Yi by surprise and disrupted all their plans.

Xu Ying's arrest was something they didn't expect, so they could only try to make up for the impact.

In the Second Academy, the results of the pharmacy practice test will be announced soon.

Xia Ruo justifiably got a perfect score of 50 again, and the first place is well deserved.

Feng Yan couldn't use his mental power, but with Xia Ruo's recent assistance, he would still configure some simple potions without grades.

In the end, a hemostatic drug was formulated, and the instrument's detection effect was not bad, so it scored thirty-nine points.

This score was already considered high among other students, and he was qualified to continue taking the elective course of pharmacy.

When the total number came out, the students of the Second Academy were blinded.

"Xia Ruo is so awesome. She takes the first place every time and always gets full marks in theory. She is definitely a god of learning!"

"Yes! I don't accept anyone in the exam, only Xia Ruo."

"Feng Bawang has vision, Xia Ruo is beautiful, his strength is beyond the charts, his talent has recovered, he is still a god of learning, he is a winner in life!"

"I envy Feng Ba Wang, but a school bully is matched with a student god, it sounds interesting."

"I envy Feng Bawang, I wish the school bully wins the school god as soon as possible, and stay together!"

"Together!" There was another piece of brush below.

Feng Yan was finishing dinner in Xia Ruo's dormitory at this time, and the two of them nestled on the sofa and swiped their terminals.

After seeing these comments, he looked up at Xia Ruo with a smile and said, "They all let us be together!"

Xia Ruo continued to lower her head to look at the terminal, "It's not the first time I've let you down, why are you so excited."

Feng Yan leaned over with his whole body, "I'm excited because I think so too!"

"Xia Xia, let's be together, okay?" He had a coquettish and coquettish tone, his voice was already very magnetic, and it sounded particularly sexy.

Xia Ruo looked up at Feng Yan, and saw that his peach blossom eyes were full of tenderness and anticipation and some nervousness, and the smiling handsome face also had a sense of tension, which showed that he was not only nervous but also afraid.

Feng Rogue, who is not afraid of anything, is afraid that she will refuse.

Seeing Feng Rogue like this, Xia Ruo's heart softened a little.

She chuckled lightly, "Okay!"

Feng Yan's eyes widened, staring at her in disbelief, "You agree?"

"Yeah!" Xia Ruo raised her eyebrows, "What? You don't want to be together anymore?"

"Fart, I almost want to die!" Feng Yanjun's handsome face was dyed with a rare excitement, and he couldn't help but grab Xia Ruo's arm to make sure again, "You promised to be with me?"

Xia Ruo looked at him amusedly, "I agree, you are really stupid like this!"

Since you also like rogues, let's try it, it will be hypocritical to procrastinate.

"Xia Xia, you promised me!" Feng Yan's smile widened, and he couldn't help roaring, he was so happy in his heart.

"Stupid is stupid, anyway, you are my girlfriend now!" He lifted his chin triumphantly.

Then asked cautiously: "Xia Xia, I want to hug you, can I give you a hug?"

"..." Xia Ruo wanted to help her forehead, this guy is really innocent and cute sometimes, but that's exactly what made her fall in love.

She gave him a blank look, "You are so stupid!"

Then he lowered his head and fiddled with the terminal, Feng Yan was stunned for a moment, then his handsome face showed excitement and rare shyness, and he stretched out his arms to wrap Xia Ruo in his arms.

"If you don't object, then I'll hug her!" He finally hugged his wife, and wanted to cry!

I originally wrote some other plots, but I suddenly wanted them to be together, so I deleted and rewritten, woo, I'm self-willed~~

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