Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 551 I'm Right

Grandpa Bai felt a lot of resentment towards Xia Ruo for choosing Feng Yan to reject his grandson.

From the bottom of his heart, he didn't like Xia Ruo's status. If he married her, he wouldn't be able to help his grandson at all, and if he went out to socialize, he might be laughed at.

Due to the high-profile confession made by the grandson, it would be a bit of a slap in the face if he didn't accept it.

He had planned to wait for Xia Ruo to agree to be with his grandson, then let them have a relationship first, and then enter the Bai family's door if they behaved well, and let the grandson marry another one if they behaved poorly.

But I didn't expect that Xia Ruo to publicly refuse, really ignorant of flattery!

"Can the love of children make you secure the position of the future commander of the second battle regiment? Can it improve your strength? What can it bring you?"

"We don't need a marriage to strengthen the family, but if you marry a woman from the right family, it will add to the icing on the cake, and the benefits to you are also visible."

"Do you still think you are not wrong now?" He asked sternly.

Bo Siyu clenched his hands tightly, feeling rebellious and resistant for the first time in his heart, he raised his head to meet the old man's stern gaze, and replied dryly: "Yes, I don't think there is anything wrong!"

"I, Bo Siyu, don't need to marry a woman of the right family to add to the icing on the cake. I believe in my ability. I just like Xia Ruo. I don't think the relationship between children and inheritance conflicts." He said stubbornly.

He was not wrong, he kept telling himself that.

"Slap!" Before the old man could speak, Father Bai suddenly stood up and slapped Bo Siyu, "Bastard, I think you are really fascinated by that woman."

That Xia Ruo is a goblin, not only let the little overlord of the Feng family who usually disdains women, wander around like a demon, even his son is fascinated, it's too hateful!

The first time Bo Siyu was beaten was by his father who he didn't approve of, and a wave of hostility arose.

He looked up at Father Bai coldly, and said word by word: "I'm right!"

"You!" Father Bai was taken aback by his eyes and momentum, and couldn't help being a little short of breath, but he couldn't be cowardly in front of so many people, he raised his hand and wanted to hit him again.

"Enough!" The old man patted the table, and he glared at Father Bai, "Sit back!"

Bo Siyu was brought up by him, and he was also a grandson whom he valued sincerely. Even if his own son did something, it made him feel uncomfortable.

"Si Yu, I am very disappointed with your performance today." He sighed.

Bo Siyu froze, then lowered his head, and said persistently: "Grandpa, I'm sorry, but I still insist that I'm right!"

"Young people will always be impulsive, but you have to keep in mind your identity, the position of the heir of the Second Battle Group, you are not qualified yet."

Mr. Bai continued: "I will apply to your principal, you will take a year off from school, and then you can go to the Second Battle Group to practice."

"Whether male or female, the third generation of the Bai family can fight for the position of heir in the next year."

As soon as these words came out, Bai's father changed his face, but the others couldn't help showing joy in their eyes.

The old man didn't care about other people, which was as he expected.

He looked at Bo Siyu earnestly, "Siyu, I hope I can see the grown-up you in a year, don't let me down again!"

Bo Siyu is an extremely smart and high IQ person, how can he fail to see what his grandfather meant, but he just wanted to use this to force him to admit his mistake.

Give those people hope, and then put pressure on him. If you still want to be the heir of the second battle group, you have to perform again. This is tantamount to exile him in disguise.

He couldn't help asking himself, is this really what he needs?

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