Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 564 What face do you want for your daughter-in-law?

After the two finished watching the movie, Feng Yan dragged Xia Ruo to go shopping again.

Watching Xia Xuan dragging Xia Ruo to the shopping mall before, he thought he would try everything in the future, and today is his chance.

Xia Ruo bought, bought, bought, and he just swiped and swiped, and the star coins kept flowing out, but his mood was as clear as if the sun had come in.

Sure enough, paying for the daughter-in-law is very fulfilling and satisfying.

Xia Ruo looked at Feng Rogue who was carrying a lot of bags and smiled openly, and asked with a smile, "How do you feel? Are you tired?"

"I'm not tired. Accompanying my wife to buy shopping is what a man should do. You can go shopping as long as you want, but I can afford it!" Feng Yan said proudly.

Xia Ruo took the initiative to take his arm with a smile, then leaned in and kissed his handsome face, "That's right, I'll reward one!"

Feng Yan Taohua's eyes were full of brilliance, looking at Xia Ruo's moist pink lips, he approached her, "Xia Xia, I want to kiss you!"

Xia Ruo moved her head back and kicked him, "Damn it, this is a shopping mall!"

Feng Yan was a little disappointed, then he changed his mind and asked with a low smile: "Doesn't it mean that the mall is fine?"

"Feng Rogue, you're getting bigger and bigger!" Xia Ruo said angrily while holding his arm.

Feng Yan leaned closer to her, "Is there? I don't think so."

"You're a rogue!" Xia Ruo pinched him.

Feng Yan chuckled and said, "It's just your stinky rascal!"

"You're still a nasty ghost!" Xia Ruo found that this guy's face was getting thicker and thicker.

Feng Yanjun's face was full of bright smiles, "It's just you, a nasty ghost!"

"..." Xia Ruo wanted to touch her forehead, but a little sweetness appeared in her heart, "Shameless!"

"What face do you want for your daughter-in-law?" Feng Yan asked back as it should.

"Get out, I don't want to talk to you!" Xia Ruo felt speechless.

The two held hands and walked around for a while. Xia Ruo couldn't find anything to buy, so he drove back to the farm.

Xia Ruo had just finished taking a shower when Feng Yan knocked on the door and came in.

"Let me blow your hair!" He consciously went to get the hair dryer, and then stood behind Xia Ruo, blowing through her hair with his fingertips.

Xia Ruo leaned on the sofa, half-closed her eyes in enjoyment, "Smelly rascal is not bad! The technique of blowing hair has improved."

Before blowing for her, she would accidentally pull her hair, but now it is very smooth.

"Of course, it's necessary to serve your wife!" Feng Yan smiled triumphantly, and the big hidden tail behind him wagged again.

The two were blowing their hair sweetly, and on the other side, Perth Yu boarded the battleship headed for the planet where the second legion's largest residence was.

Looking through the window at the Federation which was getting farther and farther away, for some reason, he felt that his impetuous mood had calmed down.

He also saw the Xingbo blessings of Xia Ruo from those people on Xingwang, and a mocking arc appeared on his lips, wondering what his grandfather and others would think after seeing it, it really slapped his face!

Thinking of their changing faces, he couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration.

He thought for a while, took a deep breath, and sent Xia Ruo a message.

"I'm going to leave Federation Star for a while, congratulations to you and Feng Yan on your success!"

He likes Xia Ruo, but he can't give Feng Yan the same care and family support.

Since she chose Feng Yan, he naturally wouldn't think about sabotage.

As soon as Xia Ruo's hair was dried, the terminal rang.

She was not surprised when she saw the news from Bo Siyu. Bo Siyu has always been a rational and personable person.

"Thank you, and you're on your way!" she replied.

Go to the old house to clean up the garbage, continue at 20 o'clock~~~The update time should be stable next Monday, okay~~

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