Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 566 We Are Too Disappointed

This Weibo was quickly reposted, and the water army showed a strong rhythm.

After being brought into the rhythm, many people who were originally fans of Xia Ruo came out to join in the trouble, and it was not a big deal for those who ate melons to join in the fun.

"Is this still the Xia Ruo I imagined? Because she is the future daughter-in-law of the Feng family and has a relationship with the principal of the Second Academy, so she left school in violation of the rules?"

"Could it be inflated? This is too much."

"If that's the case, wouldn't you have brought Feng Bawang into ruin? The Feng family welcomes her so much. I didn't expect her to be this kind of person."

"I heard that Xia Ruo started school this semester, and all the test scores were first, or even full marks. It's outrageous that a person who is a student of the gods has just lived there, and violated the rules in private by relying on the relationship of the Feng family!"

"Maybe they go out because they have something to do?"

"What could be the matter? It must have gone out and fell in love with Feng Yan. It would be nice to have a principal who is an aunt!"

"I know Fengbawang. Because of his status as a general, he is often transferred to do missions. The war department and the college have negotiated that he doesn't have to stay in the school at night, but Xia Ruo has never heard of such authority. "

"Even if she is approved for such a restriction, what reason does she have?"

"Anyway, Feng Yan has made a lot of contributions to the alliance. The Young God of War has the qualifications, but what about Xia Ruopin? Is he the first in the test?"

"Can I say that the Second Academy is too much? It's too unfair to other students in the academy to do such a favoritism?"

"Who would let her be the future daughter-in-law of the Feng family and know so many bigwigs, while the other students are mainly civilians?"

"Privilegeism, too much!"

"The collapse of the human setting is too serious. I suspect that what happened to Jiang Yi and Xu Ying before was not exactly what Xia Ruo said."

"The slave system is still preserved. It feels too good, and it's not a primitive slave society. Normally, Xia Ruo might be arrogant and consider herself the master. No wonder Xu Ying treats her like that."

"Suddenly I feel a little sympathetic to Xu Ying's mother and son, Xia Ruoren's design is a bit terrible!"

"Xia Ruo is such a person. Is this just doing the same thing in person? I liked her at first, but now I suddenly hate her."

"Xia Ruo let us down too much, hey!"

"I'm so disappointed too, I want my fans to turn black!"

In addition to the rhythmic and fun-loving ones, many Xia Ruo fans came out to support.

"What can just two photos show? This is obviously throwing dirty water on me!"

"The Xingbo account that posted the photos is a newly-built trumpet. It looks like black people and bought trolls to blackmail me. If there are so many people following me, I just want to ask those who follow the fun, have you got your brains? "

"I can't help it. If someone tells me that I am too good, there will always be some people who are envious and jealous and want to find trouble!"

"Not only that, didn't you find that there are still people who continue to play the rhythm of Xu Ying and Jiang Yi's whitewashing? These people are really funny."

"We are not blind. The two of us have done so many things. Don't think that we can be wiped out."

"That's right, this mother and son stole so many things from me, poisoned her, framed her in various ways, and even invited navy gangsters, etc., but there is evidence for all of them, and justice is right and wrong!"

"If you don't want to be a slave, don't sign the agreement by yourself! If you become a slave, you have to set up a memorial archway, because the one who tore Xia Ruo has a wrong view."

"I believe in Ruo, I believe in Feng Bawang, I believe in the Feng family and the dean of the Second Academy."

"Even if I go out frequently, I believe she is not because of violations, but because of something."

"Sit and wait for those who slander me to be slapped in the face."

Soon the navy and melon eaters appeared again, tearing apart Xia Ruo's fans.

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