Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 569: The counterattack came too fast (updated)

The father and son of the Feng family have already discussed it. The brothers and sisters of the Jiang family are so happy that they are too idle, so they have to find something to do for them.

The Feng family cares most about their family members, and the entire federation is known for their love of protecting their weaknesses.

Xia Ruo has been brought into their own family by them, so of course she is not allowed to be bullied, neither is Hei.

Not only the Jiang family brothers and sisters, but even the Bai family and they wouldn't just let it go.

Xia Ruo's eyes overflowed with a smile, "Thank you, brother, just say what you need me to do."

"You only need to come out when the time comes, and hold a press conference to explain the pills for treating genetic diseases, and leave the rest to us." Feng Yan said firmly.

Xia Ruo is not hypocritical, "Okay, let's wait for good news from big brother!"

"The counterattack won't last overnight, I've already arranged it, you just watch the show!" Feng Yan curled his lips with a confident face.

"it is good!"

After saying a few more words, Feng Yan hung up the video call.

Feng Yan looked at Xia Ruo with a rather regretful tone and said, "Brother is too hard-working and it is also a kind of distress. I also want to help you find the place back in person."

Xia Ruo glared at him angrily, "You just got cheap and act good!"

The brothers of the Feng family get along very much like their brothers and sisters, and the brothers and sisters often protect themselves like this.

"Let's go, let's go to the theater first. If you don't enjoy watching it, I will leave your boyfriend in person." Feng Yan put his hands on Xia Ruo's waist naturally, and wrapped her in his arms.

"Okay!" Xia Ruo let him hold her.

He rested his chin on her head, and then just used a terminal projection to browse the web together.

The Xingbo matter continued to ferment, and then some people appeared and began to bring the wind towards the Feng family.

"If you like a daughter-in-law like Xia Ruo, some people in the Feng family probably don't agree with what they say."

"Because of supporting Xia Ruo before, I thought the Feng family was very loving, but they actually liked to open the back door for personal gain. This hit my bottom line, and I withdrew my affection for the Feng family."

"Yes! I don't know if the Feng family likes to do things for personal gain? I'm really worried. After all, many members of the Feng family hold important positions in the Federation."

"This time, the Feng family will give us an explanation no matter what!"

"Give me an explanation, give me an explanation!" Many people below shouted.

There were also quite a few people who spoke for the Feng family, but they were quickly suppressed by the navy.

About half an hour later, the official website of the Second Academy posted a news item.

"About Xia Ruo's Disobedience to School Rules"

The above not only listed the time and reason why Xia Ruo obtained the school's special authority, but also attached the application of the genetic disease sanatorium and the approval and signature documents of the corresponding federal agencies.

A lawyer's letter was also posted below stating that the Second Academy decided to sue the person who sent false news about Xingbo's rhythm.

Soon, federal officials also announced an important news on the whole network.

The pills to treat chronic genetic diseases and control and reduce acute genetic diseases have been successfully researched. The researcher was not announced before because the person involved was relatively low-key and did not want to publicize it. But now some people wantonly spread rumors to slander the pharmacists who have made contributions to the Federation.

In consideration of this, the Federation officially announced that Xia Ruo was the inventor of the pill for treating genetic diseases.

At the same time, Dean Chen, Mr. Xie, and those who had been cured of genetic diseases by Xia Ruo all stood up to prove it.

The genetic disease sanatorium also provided a video of Xia Ruo's previous treatment of patients on its official website, and published the comparative data and effects of the treatment.

This counterattack slapped the face too quickly, not only did many people not react, but also shocked the Federation.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~ There is still a chapter to make up, and I will make it up tomorrow, okay~~

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