Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 572 Did you do it?

Xia Ruo continued to show no face to Old Man Xia.

"I also give back a lot. If I take the formula of the pill back to Xia's company, it will probably have nothing to do with me soon. Such a shameless idea, is it your precious eldest son who came up with it?"

Mr. Xia's anger kept rising, Xia Ruo really didn't like it, but subconsciously defended it, "This is my idea, it has nothing to do with your uncle."

Xia Ruo raised her eyebrows: "That means you are a shameless old man. No wonder Xia Xuhong is so shameless. Feelings are inherited."

"Xia Ruo, even if you leave the Xia family, it won't change the fact that I am your grandfather." Old man Xia was so angry again that his face turned blue.

Xia Ruo shrugged, "I don't want to change this fact! But even if you are a grandfather in terms of blood relationship, so what? We are already strangers in law."

"Don't even think about the pills for treating genetic diseases. I have already given it to Brother Feng's pharmaceutical company. If you dare, go get it yourself."

Old Master Xia choked, how could they dare to ask Feng Yi for the pill formula, this dead girl must have done it on purpose.

Sitting on the sofa not far away, the eldest family of the Xia family showed anger on their faces when they heard Xia Ruo's words.

This Xia Ruo is too ignorant of flattery, the whole family does not help the whole family, and only takes care of outsiders, it is really not familiar.

"Dad, let's talk about the company first!" Xia Xuhong waved to the master, then mouthed.

The old man took a deep breath, looked at Xia Ruo and said kindly, "Since you gave the pill formula to Er Shao Feng's pharmaceutical company, we can't ask for it anymore, just pretend I didn't say it."

"But you won't just watch your mother's hard work go to waste, will you? You know Mr. Lu, can you go and say hello to him, so that he will stop suppressing the pharmaceutical company that your mother helped to establish?" He said in his mouth The mother who has been mentioning Xia Ruo all the time, just wants to use this to impress her.

Before, Lu Yunfeng personally came out to praise and congratulate Xia Ruo, which shows that the relationship will not be shallow.

Xia Ruo's shamelessness towards Old Man Xia and Da Fang has been refreshed again.

"One thing you may not know is that I am the one who provided the formula to improve the physique of the Federal First Pharmaceutical Company, and I also improved the medicine so that it will no longer have any side effects."

She looked at the old man meaningfully and continued: "So now you should know why the First Pharmaceutical Company didn't bother to pay attention to the Xia family in the past, but this time it hit hard."

Since she wanted to attack the Xia family, she would naturally not be afraid that the other party would find out.

Mr. Xia's eyes widened, he couldn't believe it, "You, it's you?"

"Why did you do this? That company was the brainchild of your mother, are you going to watch it go bankrupt?" He raised his hand tremblingly and pointed at Xia Ruo, his face turning greener with anger.

Xia Ruo sneered: "Because it is my mother's painstaking effort, I don't want it to be defiled by you shameless people. Since you want to occupy it by force, then I will destroy it."

"Old man, don't tell me you don't know anything about what the eldest family of the Xia family did. Who revealed the route of my mother and father going out, you should be very clear in your heart."

"In addition to Xu Ying, your precious eldest son is also one of the murderers who killed them. Shouldn't I take revenge? Only a cold-blooded father like you can watch the second son being killed by the eldest son."

Xia Ruo hooked her lips and sneered: "Don't worry, the collapse of the pharmaceutical company is just the beginning, you can enjoy the taste of the industry going bankrupt in the future, and you will be punished if you make a mistake."

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