Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 574: Yesterday's Cause, Today's Effect

Feng Yan hung up the video call, and approached Xia Ruo as if begging for praise.

Xia Ruo raised her hand and rubbed his head, "Not bad!"

Although this guy's hair is short, it is soft and comfortable to rub.

Feng Yan was shunned, and said with a smile: "I am proud of doing things for my daughter-in-law!"

"Do you want to deal a bigger blow to the Xia family?" He asked with a smirk.

Xia Ruo scratched his chin, "Sure! If I spread it out, they might jump over the wall in a hurry."

"Let them bite dogs!" The big family members of the Xia family are all selfish. It's just that bankruptcy and poverty are too monotonous. It's better to let them bite themselves.

"You are so bad!" Feng Yanpi laughed.

Xia Ruo raised her eyebrows: "No?"

"Of course!" Feng Yan sat up straight with his arms around Xia Ruo, and said cheekily: "I just like you being so bad!"

"Get out!" Xia Ruo kicked him.

Feng Yan looked at her aggrieved, "Can't you stay longer? It's still early, I can't sleep."

There was a small smile in Xia Ruo's eyes, "I'm going to practice now, if you can't sleep, you should also practice your physical fitness, don't relax."

Feng Yan pursed his lips, "Okay!"

Then he pointed to his own face, and said with a playful smile, "My dear, should you have a good night?"

Xia Ruo approached him funny and kissed his face, "My dear, good night!"

Hearing Xia Ruo call himself that for the first time, Feng Yan's heart melted, and he couldn't help but leaned over and kissed the corner of her lips, "Sharp heart, good night!"

"See you tomorrow morning!"

"meet tomorrow!"

Feng Yan reluctantly opened the door and went back to his room, Xia Ruo took out the energy stone given by his elder brother and started to practice.

After the body's toxins were released and she could practice, her chaotic soul's innate ability was also revealed. Absorbing spiritual energy could no longer support rapid cultivation, and she had to use energy stones to cooperate.

After Feng Yan returned to the room, he sent two orders and messages, both aimed at the Xia family.

The next day was Saturday, Xia Ruo practiced all night, and went to bed at dawn, so she slept late.

After getting up, washing up and going downstairs, Feng Yan had just brought food back from the cafeteria, "Get up, I'm really accurate!"

He opened a place for Xia Ruo, "Let's have lunch together."

Xia Ruo sat down, "Okay!"

Neither of them had the habit of eating without talking, Feng Yan said while eating: "Old Xia's brain is congested!"

Xia Ruo raised her head in surprise, "I observed his complexion yesterday, and his blood pressure is indeed relatively high, but it's even better after he spit out the blood. How could he have brain congestion?"

"The rescue was not timely. After he passed out, Xia Xuhong and his wife only focused on fighting, and the second grandson and young granddaughter ran away. When the doctor found out, his condition worsened." Feng Yan replied.

Xia Ruo didn't care much and asked, "Did you come back from the rescue?"

"That's right! But the sequelae are quite serious, and I'm paralyzed." Feng Yan said with a smile, "It's also retribution."

Xia Ruo nodded in agreement: "The old man is paralyzed at this moment, and his property will be transferred out by the big house soon. As expected, I was right. He will probably be miserable for the rest of his life."

After fainting, the big house just looked after each other, making it impossible for Old Man Xia to be rescued in time, let alone being paralyzed.

"I don't know how he will feel and feel when he wakes up, living in a cold room, and his beloved family doesn't care about him at all," Feng Yan said.

Xia Ruo shrugged, "Nine times out of ten, I will think of my grandma and father's good times, and then start to regret it!"

"But there is no medicine for regret in this world. Yesterday's cause and today's result, everything is his own choice!" She didn't sympathize with Old Man Xia at all.

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