Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 610: I Didn't Expect It To Be So Bad

Feng Yan was upset when he saw this. This dead cat didn't have the sense to be a pet at all, so it should be taken care of.

So he walked over, twisted the fur on the kitten's back, and threw him directly from the sofa to the ground.

"A bad pet is not qualified to sit on the sofa." He looked at the cat and snorted coldly.

"Ho Ho Ho!" Fan Yue's hair stood on end, looking very angry.

He is the noblest bloodline little prince of alien beasts in the starry sky, and he is not a pet cat.

Xia Ruo also found that this little guy was very twitchy, and a bit cold-tempered, and his temper grew after a few days, so Feng Yan could fix it.

As for why the cat's name is not "Meow Meow Meow" but "Ho Ho Ho Ho", it must be abnormal on Earth, but it is normal here.

Because of all mutated animals, the instincts of the body will change accordingly.

For example, the mutated cat in front of me will become aggressive if raised a little bigger. Its roar is similar to that of a wild beast, and it is completely out of the category of a real pet cat.

Feng Yan saw that this cat was never pleasing to the eye, "Crap, it has no deterrent effect at all, idiot!"

Fan Yue blew up instantly when he called him, this Feng Yan is really annoying.

"Ho Ho Ho!" He roared a few more times, but the childish voice was still not much of a threat.

Xia Ruo walked over, bent down and lifted him up, "It's been a few days since I've seen him, not only has he become irritable, but he's also gained a lot of weight, so he didn't eat less."

The mutated cat is already a carnivore. This little thing has been a disaster in the cafeteria recently. She has heard from the chef.

Xia Ruoti slipped Fan Yue up and looked at him, he was instantly annoyed and shy.

Xia Ruo chuckled and threw him into the specially prepared nest, then pinched his cat face and warned with a smile, "I will call you in the future, please obediently agree, or I will throw you out of the farm to fend for yourself. "

"There are so many people out there who like to eat mutant beasts. You are so fat now that you can cook a pot of broth!" she added.

"..." Fan Yue, who was dissatisfied with being pinched in the face, froze and stared at Xia Ruo with wide eyes.

He always thought that Xia Ruo was pretty good, but he didn't expect it to be so bad.

If he had the value of force, he would definitely turn around and leave the farm immediately. Whoever loves this poor place will stay.

But he looked down at his small body, and could only hold back his anger.

The beast is under the eaves and has to bow its head!

"Hmph!" Angrily, he struggled to get his deformed face out of Xia Ruo's hands, and lay limp in the nest.

Because he has never been recognized as a pet, he has never slept in this nest once, but now he can't help it.

"Fanfan, jump up!" Xia Ruo patted the sofa next to her with a smile on her face but cold threats in her eyes.

Fan Yue really wanted to pounce on him and take a bite, this damn woman actually domesticated him as a pet.

He didn't intend to pay attention to it at all, Xia Ruo said again: "Either jump up, or stay in the soup pot."

As Feng Yan said, this guy is in need of cleaning up!

"I haven't eaten the mutant beast soup pot yet, why don't we have a supper tonight?" Feng Yan's eyes glowed, and he looked very serious.

He didn't scare the cat, but he really had this idea. As long as Xia Ruo agreed, he would immediately take the annoying cat to the cafeteria and turn it into a soup pot.

Sensing Feng Yan's malice, Fan Yue shuddered sensitively, and looked up to see Xia Ruo for the same reason.

Only resigned to his fate, he stood up and jumped on the sofa, and then listened to Xia Ruo's words, and jumped up and down dozens of times...

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