Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 616 How is it possible?

During the rescue, the doctors kept reporting the value and situation.

"The life value has dropped again, and it has reached the zero point!"

"The rescue is ineffective, and the patient's vital signs are slowly disappearing!"

Several doctors had tried their best and stood up one after another after reporting.

Xia Ruo walked over quickly, felt Jiang Minyun's pulse, looked at her pupils, pinched her face with her hand, opened her mouth, and took a closer look.

"What are you doing, little girl? The patients are already dead, why are you still punishing them physically?" Seeing Xia Ruo pinching Jiang Minyun's face, a doctor couldn't help frowning and said.

Feng Yan immediately said: "This is the ancient doctor I invited to treat Jiang Minyun, you have misunderstood!"

"An ancient doctor?" The doctor who spoke immediately realized, "Is she Xia Ruo?"

Feng Yan nodded: "Yes, she is Xia Ruo."

The doctor who was frowning suddenly loosened his brows and stared intently at Xia Ruo who was concentrating on examining Jiang Minyun.

He had heard of Xia Ruo's name before, but he didn't read Xingbo very much, so he didn't know what she looked like.

Seeing the real person now, they couldn't help but feel a little excited. They really admire Xia Ruo's contribution to researching the pills for treating genetic diseases.

That's why he tolerated Xia Ruo's seemingly disrespectful behavior to the patient.

Several other doctors also looked at Xia Ruo one after another. While inquiring, they also wondered what she was doing?

Jiang Minyun's vital signs showed that she was about to die, could she still be revived? This is simply not possible.

Xia Ruo carefully looked at the situation in Jiang Minyun's mouth, and sure enough, in one of her teeth, she saw the residue of a poison sac that had been bitten open.

The doctor who spoke before asked curiously: "Master Xia, what are you looking at?"

Xia Ruo could tell that this person was not malicious, "Look why she is like this, have you checked it out?"

"The examination revealed that she was suddenly too emotional and caused her heart to contract violently, which led to her death." The doctor replied truthfully.

Hearing this result, Feng Yan and the two people who participated in the interrogation earlier all had a somewhat ugly face.

If this result is announced, they will definitely be held accountable, whether the interrogation of Jiang Minyun was too aggressive, whether they used some means to stimulate the death of the prisoner, etc.

Jiang Minyun is a public figure, a well-known pharmacist in the Federation, if they are led by someone with a heart, they must all be held responsible.

But the problem is that their interrogation has just started, and they only asked a few questions, and Jiang Minyun just went like this, without any words or actions that irritated her at all.

This is also the first time they have encountered a situation since their interrogation.

Feng Yan's expression was ugly, but she was very calm. She looked at Xia Ruo and asked, "Ruo Ruo, what's the result of your examination?"

Xia Ruo gave Jiang Minyun a pill, and while administering the needle, she replied: "She committed suicide by taking the poison herself!"


"How is it possible?" the doctors said in disbelief.

After Xia Ruo finished the injection, she said to the doctor who had spoken before, "Please take out the residue in the gap between her teeth and test it. It definitely contains toxins that cause the heart to contract more rapidly."

"This also creates an illusion that she died after being stimulated!"

She added, "I am treating and detoxifying her now, and she will wake up in about ten minutes."

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