Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 618 There will be a good show

Before Jiang Minyun could fully wake up, the doctors immediately walked over and checked with instruments.

"Vital signs have returned to normal."

"Oh my god! It's unbelievable, it's really saved!"

"This is a medical miracle, it's unbelievable!"

Several doctors were shocked again when they saw the test results.

Jiang Minyun heard the exclamation of several people, and his eyes gradually recovered.

When seeing Xia Ruo, her eyes shrank, why is this dead girl here?

Most importantly, why did her vital signs return to normal? Did the poison not work? impossible!

Xia Ruo interrupted several doctors with a light cough, "Miss Jiang just recovered and needs to rest for a while."

They didn't think what she said was wrong. After all, Jiang Minyun almost died just now, and it's normal to need to rest, so they booed immediately.

Feng Yan took the opportunity to say: "I'm bothering you guys today, we'll send Miss Jiang to rest right away, let Master Xia accompany you temporarily, let's go back and rest first."

Several doctors originally wanted to discuss the situation with Xia Ruo, but they could only nod their heads when they heard what he said: "Okay!"

"Master Xia, let's exchange medical skills together!" The doctor couldn't help looking at Xia Ruo and said.

Xia Ruo nodded and smiled, "Okay!"

Seeing her promise, they packed up their equipment and prepared to leave in satisfaction.

Jiang Minyun reacted quickly, looked at several people and said, "Don't go, you don't go, this damn girl wants to kill me."

She also guessed now that it must be Xia several who pulled her back from the death line.

Before, she still had the courage to make up her mind to die to solve it, but now she came back to life, but suddenly she didn't have the courage before.

The sudden contraction of the heart when the poison occurred just now, as if suffocating with one hand, and the feeling of death that gradually disappeared as if the consciousness disappeared, I was afraid when I thought about it.

At that time, she actually gave birth to a kind of regret and regret.

Now that she can breathe fresh air, she finds it good to be alive.

But Xia Ruo couldn't be allowed to succeed. This dead girl hated her so much, but she still saved her, so she must do something.

Hearing Jiang Minyun's words, the smile on the face of the leading doctor subsided.

Looking at her, he said, "Miss Jiang, your life was in danger just now, but Master Xia rescued you. If he wanted to harm you, it would be impossible to save you."

"So please don't talk nonsense, we can take it as if you just woke up and your mind is not clear about your slip of the tongue."

This Jiang Minyun's problem is not small, because he deposed the youngest son of the Ye family, committed suicide and intentionally caused the illusion of death, and when he woke up, he scolded the girl to death at the savior, wouldn't he be suffering from persecution paranoia?

The other doctors looked at Jiang Minyun with disapproving eyes.

Jiang Minyun choked, but really didn't want to let these people go, "I don't want her treatment, I want you to stay."

The leading doctor frowned, "Sorry, we are not your exclusive doctor, and since Master Xia has accepted your treatment, we will not interfere again."

"Miss Jiang, your mood fluctuates a lot, you'd better take a good rest." After he finished speaking, he made eye contact with the other people.

Several people immediately nodded and left quickly.

This Jiang Minyun is not only strange, but also has mental problems, they don't want to get too entangled with her.

Jiang Minyun saw several people leaving without looking back, so angry that she wanted to curse.

Xia Ruo folded her arms and looked at her with a smile that was not a smile, "You are smart, and you know that there will be a good show on you next."

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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