Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 620 Isn't it fake?

Xia Ruo heard what Jiang Minyun said, and realized that she had once again underestimated the forces behind Jiang Minyun's brothers and sisters.

"What's so special about your brother's identity?"

"He has penetrated into the high-level federal government, and he must not be exposed."

"What is your purpose?"

"Our purpose is only to collect the inheritance of the ancient families of the Federation's ancient earth, explore their background, and collect energy stones and various valuable medicinal materials."

Jiang Minyun struggled and added involuntarily, "If you can provoke the Federation, the other two countries, and the Alliance of Starry Beasts, you will provoke them, and plan to attack or kill some members of the alliance."

"Organization? What organization is behind you? Who is your direct messenger?"

Jiang Minyun was very resistant, but the effect of hypnosis and pills was very strong.

She gritted her teeth and said, "Our organization is called, ah..."

Just as she was about to say the name of that organization, she suddenly screamed, holding her head in pain with her hands, and fell off the chair.

Seeing this, Xia Ruo immediately got up and walked over, and the spiritual sense also poked in to check immediately.

"Ah!!!" Jiang Minyun still screamed while holding her head in pain.

Xia Ruo also used her spiritual sense to successfully penetrate into the spiritual space of her body when she was emotionally broken.

Then his face changed slightly.

Seeing this, Feng Yan asked: "Xia Xia, is there something wrong?"

"Isn't she pretending?"

Jiang Minyun committed suicide before and wanted to play a role in framing, but now he suddenly behaved like this, he thought it was an act, but Xia Ruo's expression didn't seem to be the case.

Xia Ruo shook her head: "She's not pretending, but her spiritual power has been hinted by someone, and she can't tell the name and important information of their organization at all, otherwise it will cause backlash and become a fool."

She probed into Jiang Minyun's spiritual consciousness, and helped him calm down the violent backlash.

Now Jiang Minyun can't be a fool yet.

Following her comfort, Jiang Minyun's screaming stopped, she fell to the ground with her head in her arms, closed her eyes and passed out.

Feng Yan said with a serious face: "This also means that behind their brothers and sisters, there is a mysterious organization behind them. I thought it was the Alliance of Starry Sky Beasts before, but it doesn't look like it."

What Xia Ruo guessed at the beginning was that the Jiang family brothers and sisters were behind the Starry Sky Alien Beast Alliance. This result was quite surprising.

"This organization should be very mysterious and powerful, otherwise you would not be aware of it, and their insiders have infiltrated into the top levels of the Federation. I suspect that the Wisteria and Silver Dragon Empires have similar situations."

Xia Ruo continued: "He is not the only one like Jiang Yunqi."

"An organization that can hint at Jiang Minyun's mental strength and make her commit suicide willingly is a great potential danger to the alliance and even the Three Kingdoms!" The solemn expression on Feng Yan's face deepened again.

Their security bureau didn't have any clues before, if it wasn't for Xia Ruo's powerful hypnosis and pills, they wouldn't be able to dig out such a deep-seated thing from Jiang Minyun.

Xia Ruo nodded: "I found that the person who hinted at Jiang Minyun's mental power is very strong. There is no way to interrogate Jiang Minyun by means of hypnosis and medication, otherwise her mental power will automatically collapse."

Unless you use Soul Search, but her cultivation is not enough. "Brother, you have to investigate this mysterious organization in private. You can't find much from Jiang Minyun."

"But you can keep her fishing, and you can't let her die." The woman hasn't gotten her retribution yet, and it's too cheap for her to die.

Three updates will be added today, let’s continue at 17:00~~~

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