It's not that Feng Yan is too sensitive, it's because Jiang Minyun just confessed yesterday that they sent news to the black market forces of the Wisteria Empire, and the two sides often communicate.

I will be a little suspicious if I receive the invitation today.

Feng Yan felt sore again, that little boy's movements are really fast enough!

"The Wisteria Empire is originally a big country of medicine, and it has organized many exchange meetings before, so there should be no problem."

Don't look at the Wisteria Empire and the Federation vying for Yinsencao, but in their star field, the Wisteria Empire is a key exporter of medicinal materials and medicines, controlling a huge source of medicinal materials, and their people are better at cultivating plants.

When Feng Yan heard what he said, he also felt that he might be overthinking. After all, this time was an official invitation, and the wisteria royal family would be responsible for the accident.

"This kind of exchange meeting is still relatively top-notch, if you want to go? If you go, I will issue a certificate here, and you can take it to the academy to ask for leave." Feng Yan asked Xia Ruo who was sitting next to Feng Yan in the video.

Originally, they were more rigorous in their work and would not easily leave people with excuses. After the last hot search incident, they had to help find enough reasons for Xia Ruo to ask for leave.

Xia Ruo smiled and nodded: "I want to go, please trouble brother!"

"The time is next week. There may not only be academic exchanges, but also some practical operations on the spot. You are ready." Feng Yan instructed according to the previous exchanges.

Xia Ruo nodded, "Okay!"

After hanging up the video, Feng Yan played with Xia Ruo's hand, "The emperor of the Wisteria Empire is too fast."

Xia Ruo smiled, "That's my brother, I want to go to the Wisteria Empire as soon as possible, of course he will soon.

She squeezed Feng Yan's face, and warned: "Don't be sour, what emperor of the Wisteria Empire? You will also call me brother in the future!"

This guy even eats her brother's jealousy, it's enough!

Feng Yan felt a little wronged, the status of the little boy in Xia Xia's heart was really not low.

I thought so in my heart, but didn't show it on my mouth, "Yes, after going to the Wisteria Empire, we have to have a good meal with my brother."

The two "our brothers" behind him bit hard, since they are brothers, there is no other relationship.

Xia Ruo didn't bother to pay attention to the jar of jealousy, and patted the sofa next to Fan Yue who was lying in the nest not far away: "Fan Fan, come up and sit here!"

Ever since she guessed that the "cat" that she accidentally brought back might be the little prince of the alien beast in the starry sky, Xia Ruo also brought him here in class.

Just put it under your nose and stare at it.

Fan Yue didn't know that he was exposed, so he stood up reluctantly and jumped onto the sofa.

"Call and listen!" Xia Ruo rubbed his hairy head and said.

After guessing his identity, she never hugged the cat again.

Fan Yue said impatiently, "Ho Ho Ho!"

Xia Ruo flicked his forehead, "You are a cat, you should meow like a cat."

"Roar!" Fan Yue frowned instantly. He was not a real cat, but the most noble prince among the alien beasts in the starry sky, this woman actually made him cry like that lowly alien beast? Think beautiful.

Xia Ruo raised her eyebrows, "It's okay not to bark, but don't eat dinner!"

"When will I be meowing, and when will I be eating?" She will not soften her heart to those who once chased and killed her.

Fan Yue's eyes widened, why didn't he see before that this woman, like that Feng Yan, was also ruthless and wanted to deduct his food.

He is a prince, so he didn't want to bark, so he turned his head to the side coldly.

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