Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 625 You Can Throw Both

If Xia wants to rectify Fanyue, he will not show mercy.

The next day, when she saw the little golden beast lying limply in the cat's nest, she went to the kitchen to cook a hearty breakfast, and asked her two roommates to eat it up happily.

Fan Yue didn't move his bones, but he scolded Xia Ruo in his heart, his stomach growling.

At noon, Xia Ruo still cooks and cooks a sumptuous lunch, not only for her roommates to eat, but also for Feng Yan to call Xi Yu and Ming Rui over.

Several people were talking and laughing as they ate, and the aroma permeated Fan Yue's nose, which made him very depressed when he was weak.

That woman's heart is really cruel! If you don't give food, you won't give it.

The energy in his body was almost exhausted before, and now he was so hungry that he panicked.

After the damn thing got smaller, his ability to endure hunger also disappeared.

He looked up at the dishes that were almost finished on the table, feeling a pain in his flesh.

In the afternoon, when Xia Ruo and the others went to class, Fan Yue sneaked into the kitchen to find something to eat, but found that there was nothing, and was very depressed.

Then I thought that if I couldn't do it, I would go down and find something to eat outside.

But he found that the windows and doors of the villa were all locked tightly, and he couldn't open them without fingerprint and pupil print authentication.

So he could only lie on the ground half dead. It was the first time he was starved like this since he was a child.

The starry sky beasts have a relatively large appetite. The alliance has a dedicated nutritionist who will make the nutritional ingredients needed into a nutritional supplement similar to that of humans. Not to mention that it is convenient to carry, one bottle can last for a day.

He used to disdain the taste of nutritional supplements, but now he is so hungry that he can't help but miss it.

In the afternoon, Xia Ruo directly took a leg of lamb and asked Feng Yan to roast the lamb on the big balcony on the top floor.

After brushing with honey and adding various seasonings, the fragrance overflowed a little bit far away.

Fan Yue, who was still lying on his stomach in the living room, couldn't help but be attracted by the scent, endured his hungry body, climbed up to the top floor and entered the balcony.

Seeing the roasted leg of lamb on the shelf and smelling the stronger aroma, his eyes turned green.

After Xia Ruo discovered Fan Yue, she cut a piece of lamb leg with a knife, roasted the meat until it was crispy and tender, and put it on the plate.

"Fanfan, do you want to eat?" She waved the plate at Fan Yue.

Fan Yue wanted to scratch it with his paw, and overturned the plate with backbone, but his mouth obeyed his body, "Meow meow!"

After meowing a few times, he suddenly felt so ashamed, he actually meowed for a bite, what a shame!

But he was really hungry, he was about to starve to death!

Freedom and sincerity are precious, but face is even more expensive. If you want to eat meat, you can throw away both!

There is only one idea in his mind now, he wants to eat meat, a leg of lamb!

Seeing that Fan Yue couldn't bear it and learned to meow, Xia Ruo's eyes were stained with a smile, the influence of the past few days was indeed not in vain.

She passed the plate over, "Come and eat!"

Fan Yue felt refreshed in his legs and feet, ran over and asked the meat to pick up and chew and swallow.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction that I had never felt before. Why is this meat so delicious!

After eating one piece, Xia Ruo cut several pieces and put them on the plate, and even patted his head, "Fanfan, be good!"

"..." Fan Yue froze, what the hell is this boy?

However, considering that he is now a pet cat, he acquiesced to Xia Ruo's action, ignored the word "good", and continued to eat the lamb quickly with his head down.

The smile in Xia Ruo's eyes deepened. While stroking Fan Yue's furry head, he still used his spiritual consciousness to influence his mental power space.

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