Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 629 You Are the First

Xia Ruo saw how difficult it was for them to express their feelings, and knew that they were more difficult to accept.

"Of course, Xu Ying's confession does not prove that Jiang Yunqi is Jiang Yi's father."

"I still have the hair from the paternity test for Jiang Yi's mother and son last time. If you need it, I can provide it."

Both Xu Ying and Jiang Yi's mother and son belonged to their family's servants, so providing their hair and so on did not violate the alliance law.

Although Ye Zhenfeng was a little hard to accept, he said firmly, "If you want, I hope Miss Xia will provide it."

It was not difficult for them to obtain Jiang Yunqi's genes for a paternity test.

Xia Ruo took out a bottle from the space and handed it to him, "This is Jiang Yi's hair."

"Jiang Yunqi was able to have a wild child with my servant. Judging from Jiang Yi's age, it is more of an affair within marriage, and his character is very low."

Xia Ruo paused and said: "If there is one cheating, there may be two or three times. If the test result is a father-son relationship, you can also check whether he has other cheating situations."

That day Jiang Minyun talked about their mission and purpose in the federation, and the focus was to find the inheritance and background of the ancient family.

Jiang Yunqi could betray himself for the inheritance of the Xu family, and maybe he could also do something about cheating or having an illegitimate child for the inheritance of other ancient families.

She reminded this way because firstly, she wanted the Ye family to pay attention, and secondly, she didn't want other families to be harmed by him.

The faces of the Ye family father and son were green and dark, not for Xia Ruo, but for Jiang Yunqi.

If such a thing really existed, let alone their Ye family's thousand-year-old reputation would be greatly affected, even his sister's happiness would also be destroyed.

Could it be that the wife of a young lady from an aristocratic family is not enough, she went to mess with a servant and gave birth to an illegitimate child, how embarrassing is this for his sister!

It's too much, it's simply too much, if the situation is true, it is absolutely unforgivable.

Ye Zhenfeng pinched his fingers, veins burst out, "Okay, I'll check it out."

Xia Ruo thought for a while and wanted to remind, "Jiang Yunqi is quite cunning, and there may be someone behind it. Director Ye, you should be careful when you investigate, it's best not to be discovered by him, and then startle the snake."

Ye Zhenfeng nodded, "Okay, I think so too."

He was going to find the people on the first floor to check, so that Jiang Yunqi would not be easy to discover the high efficiency.

If the matter is found out, then he has to find a way to slowly lead his sister to find out, thinking about it will make him angry.

After the chat was almost over, just as the Ye family father and son were about to leave, Huo Tianhao and the others came to the farm on their own initiative.

As soon as he entered the door, Huo Tianhao walked up to Xia Ruo excitedly, "Little Ruoruo, you are so amazing, I have never admired anyone before, you are the first."

Xia Ruo looked at him in confusion, "What did I do?"

Could it be that he was invited to participate in the medical exchange meeting? No, according to Huo Tianhao's temperament, this kind of thing would not be so exciting.

Huo Tianhao immediately took out a brocade bag, opened it and poured out some black ash, "Xiao Ruoruo, this is what I'm talking about."

Xia Ruo knew it at a glance, "Did you have an accident?"

"Yeah! I had a serious serial car accident in the morning. Others either died or were seriously injured, but I just broke the skin of my wrist."

Huo Tianhao raised his hand and his skin was scratched a little, "When the car accident happened, I always felt a light coming from my body, and then I felt my body was burned, so I opened the brocade bag and found that the talisman you drew before was actively burned into black ash inside. , I guess it must be your talisman that saved me."

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