Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 631 Appointed to be so happy

This kind of amulet is the simplest and most low-level talisman, and it doesn't consume too much spiritual power.

Xia Ruo took out the talisman pens, each of them drew a picture for them, and still packed it in a brocade bag.

Several people took the brocade bag carefully and put it in the pocket of their clothes or trousers.

Feng Yan watched his Xia Xia paint so happily for more than an hour, glared at Huo Tianhao and said angrily: "You guys really have a lot to do."

In fact, he also had one of this talisman. After returning that day, Xia Ruo drew a better one for him. He just felt sorry for his girlfriend.

Huo Tianhao rolled his eyes at him, "Thinking that everyone can get the moon like you, and you won't have back pain when you stand and talk!"

"That is, who made her my girlfriend." Feng Yan raised his chin proudly.

His Xia Xia is the best!

Huo Tianhao didn't want to talk to him for a moment, so he will find a girlfriend to show off tomorrow.

Both the Ye family father and son got the talisman, and they were still thinking about Jiang Yunqi, so they got up and took Ye Ning to say goodbye.

After the two left, Huo Tianhao touched his chin and sighed, "I see that Ye Ning's complexion has improved a lot. Xiao Ruoruo's medical skills are really good. No wonder he was invited to participate in the medical skills exchange meeting at such a young age."

Jiang Ji nodded in agreement: "Yes! I looked at the list of invitations. If Xiao Ruo is the youngest, he should also be the youngest invitee in the previous exchange meetings. He will win glory for our Federation."

"It's also the light of the pills for treating genetic diseases." Xia Ruo smiled modestly.

Huo Tianhao waved his hand, "This is your strength!"

After chatting for a while, Jiang Ji took out a box specially containing medicinal materials and handed it to Xia Ruo.

"Little Ruoruo, this is a medicinal material that I discovered by accident. I heard that it is not available in the market. The person who sold it to me said it has the effect of nourishing the body. I don't know if it is true. Do you need it?"

Just now Fu Fu and the others wanted to pay, but Xia Ruo didn't want it.

Originally, they liked Xia Ruo better, and his medical skills and talisman skills were amazing, and they also wanted to make the relationship more stable, so he brought a gift this time.

I don't know what Xia Ruo likes, but I found out that she has been collecting plants, medicinal materials and seeds, so I brought the medicinal materials I accidentally bought last time.

Xia Ruo took the box and opened it to take a look, her eyes showed a trace of surprise, she really didn't expect that it was actually a spiritual herb necessary for refining the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Although she is still some distance away from foundation establishment, it is necessary to collect herbs in advance.

This medicine is really rare and hard to find, if she took the initiative to find it, she might not be able to find it.

"This herb does have the effect of strengthening the body, but the effect is only average."

She paused and said, "It just so happens that the kind of elixir I want to make requires this herb."

"It's great if you can use it, I brought it for you." Jiang Ji said with a smile.

Xia Ruo put the herbs into the box with a smile, "Then I won't be polite!"

After thinking for a while, he took out a porcelain bottle and handed it to him, "This is Qi Yang Pill, which has the effect of strengthening the body and replenishing Qi. The effect is better than this herb. Brother Jiang gave it to you!"

The value of this medicinal herb is very high to her, just a talisman is not enough.

Jiang Ji's eyes lit up, and he took it with a nonchalant smile, "It's kind, my old man was still talking about it a while ago, that Grandpa Feng's spirit is getting better and better, even after taking the pill you made, if I take it back , he appointed to die of joy."

They were too embarrassed to ask for the medicine that Xia Ruo refined for her boyfriend's grandfather, so they could only envy them. Now Xia Ruo took the initiative to give it to him, he was so surprised!

Continue at 20 o'clock~~

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