Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 635 You Are Really Interesting

Since cooperating with Xia Ruo to launch the perfect version of the potion for improving physique, not only did their company's turnover explode last month and this month, but their reputation has also risen to a higher level.

The First Federal Pharmacy Company has low, medium and high-end pharmaceuticals, but in the past it mainly sold mid-to-high-end pharmaceuticals.

They are the best in the middle and upper circles, and the cost of medicines developed by their pharmacists is relatively high, which also makes the medicines expensive and cannot be consumed by ordinary people.

This time Xia Ruo's improved medicine tends to be more civilian-oriented, the price is moderate, and the effect is better for ordinary people, so it has been warmly welcomed.

The drugs released by the First Pharmacy Company have no side effects, better effects, and the price is much lower than that of the Xia family's.

This also shocked the middle and lower pharmacy companies, and kept asking who improved the pharmacy.

It's really such a talent for pharmacy. Now that he can improve the potion that improves his physique, maybe he can improve other potions as well.

Although this must be a talent hidden by the First Pharmacy Company, and they don't have the ability to poach the wall, but they can use other methods to ask the pharmacist to help improve some of their weaker medicines.

Or you can try to see if you can cooperate with the first pharmaceutical company.

As a result, Lu Yunfeng has been very busy recently, with constant social engagements.

He was so annoying that he found an excuse to shirk these entertainments some time ago.

After seeing him today, many heads of pharmaceutical companies immediately approached him like a cat smelling something fishy.

In addition to building relationships, he still wanted to inquire about the pharmacist.

There are sound insulation devices installed near each table in the hall, so the voice of speaking cannot be heard by the people at other tables, that's why he said it so carelessly.

Xia Ruo immediately shook her head, "Uncle Lu, please forgive me, I don't want to be surrounded by people like this."

"Haha, this kind of treatment is beyond the reach of other pharmacists, and you are not uncommon." Lu Yunfen joked.

Xia Ruo laughed and said, "Everyone has his own ambition!"

"But what do they ask me for?" She asked curiously.

Lu Yunfeng didn't hide anything, "I want you to help me see if I can improve some tasteless medicines. If they succeed, they can make a lot of money, and they can also open up the market and increase their popularity. There is no loss if they fail."

It doesn't matter much if the recipes of those tasteless potions are leaked out, and if Xia Ruo is asked to help improve them, a non-disclosure agreement must be signed.

Xia Ruo came a little interested, "Improve the potion? What types of potions generally need to be improved?"

The gap between the rich and the poor is too big here, and many things are unaffordable for ordinary people, especially medicines and the like. It is not bad to improve some medicines so that more people can afford them.

Seeing that she was interested, Lu Yunfeng smiled in surprise: "You are really interesting!"

"There are actually more types of this kind of medicine. Let me give you an example. For example, there are medicines for improving fertility, medicines for treating special diseases, and medicines for improving genes."

"These medicines are quite useful in terms of efficacy, but they all have some drawbacks or side effects, so they need to be continuously improved. It's just that the pharmacists in these pharmaceutical companies are limited and not very successful."

"It's a pity that such medicines are tasteless and discarded. In our field, they are called tasteless medicines."

Continue at 15:00, and start posting at 0:00 tomorrow~~~

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