Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 641 Do You Want To Rebel So Soon?

After hearing what he said, Xia Xuan gave up the plan to transfer the space jewelry to Yan Lingfeng.

She also found that her brother was a little dissatisfied with the big pig's trotter. Although the big pig's trotter was more useful than her holding it, if it made her brother unhappy, then let it be.

Yan Lingfeng was very sensitive, and he also found that Yunjing had a lot of opinions on him, and his unhappiness deepened.

This little boy really thinks of himself as his own brother?

But this time, he didn't glance back, it was his wife who was staring at her, he couldn't afford to offend her!

Yan Lingfeng felt depressed, but Feng Yan was as sweet as honey.

You don't need to guess to know who the earrings in Xia Xia's hand are going to be given to.

"Brother Jing, did you refine this storage accessory yourself?" Feng Yan stopped being jealous, and immediately changed his words to Yunjing.

It wasn't that she was bought by the earrings, but that she was sweetened by Xia Ruo's actions.

The uncle did not hesitate to change the women's bracelet into men's earrings, which also shows that he has no other ideas about his family Xia Xia, otherwise he would not agree to it. This is definitely not a rival in love.

Yun Jing looked at Feng Yan with a little surprise, this guy was smart, he turned the wind very quickly, and he was quite witty.

"I happen to have the superpower of space, and I know how to refine it, so I succeeded after trying it." He smiled faintly, much better than his attitude of letting Feng Yan hang out before.

Feng Yan admired from the bottom of his heart, "Brother Jing, you are really good, there are not many such things in the entire interstellar world."

Space storage accessories need to have space powers or cut by superpowers, as well as know forging and some ability to deduce space before they can be refined.

So far, apart from the Space Alien Beast Alliance who are good at space talents, the number is extremely limited, and the Three Kingdoms has not heard of anyone who can refine it, so there are very few people in the Three Kingdoms who own this thing.

Of course, Yunjing will break this point in the future and become the only person in the Three Kingdoms who can refine space accessories.

If the high-level officials of various countries know about this, they may not be able to sit still.

Not to mention that this uncle is really generous, not to mention giving away so many energy stones and materials, but actually giving away such precious space storage accessories, this is not something anyone can do.

It's just that many brothers can't be so generous, but the little boy did. He decided to respect the little boy in the future.

As long as he sincerely treats his family Xia Xia well, and does not have ulterior motives or people who covet her, he welcomes them. He is happy that more people dote on his wife!

Yan Lingfeng was also shocked and sighed inwardly at Yunjing's incredible generosity, not to mention that the little boy really looked like a big brother.

However, he was still upset and heartbroken, and he wasn't close to him, so he spoiled his daughter-in-law so much, he felt sour!

Then he coldly threw Feng Yan a slap in the face, is this guy going to rebel so soon?

The brothers and sisters who were on the same boat as agreed, a storage earring made this guy turn his head and call Brother Jing, he heard a toothache.

Feng Yan gave him a look back: I am smart and interesting, who is as stupid as you.

He felt that Yan Lingfeng was just trying to save face and suffer!

Haven't you seen the bright smile on his Xia Xia's face? It means he did the right thing and made her happy.

Indeed, Xia Ruo was very satisfied with Feng Yan's transformation, and gave him a rewarding look, which sweetened the heart of a certain scoundrel.

Maybe I can use this to ask for a good night kiss when I go back, just think about it!

I didn’t feel like I wrote it before, but now I feel better, I will continue~~I will definitely stay up today to finish writing and send it out, otherwise I will procrastinate during the day~~ But I don’t know what time it will be, everyone, don’t stay up late, tomorrow morning Get up and take a look, okay~~

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