Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 647 You should pack a few and have a look

The Silver Dragon Empire and the Federation belonged to a strategic cooperative relationship, and the members of the exchange group were relatively friendly when they met.

Of course, there are also a few people who always want to jump.

Yan Lingfeng controlled most of the Silver Dragon Empire, but the other princes never stopped competing. They were part of the exchange group that came this time.

After getting in the car, they exchanged glances with each other.

The exchange meeting was held in the conference hall of a relatively high-end hotel in the Wisteria Empire, and Yun Jing personally received it in a white suit.

Seeing the two younger sisters coming hand in hand, a warm smile appeared in his eyes.

However, they did not make any special treatment in public, and they are not ready to reveal their relationship yet.

After the invited people from the Three Kingdoms entered the arena, Yun Jing casually said a few opening remarks, and the exchange meeting officially began.

Several well-known doctors and master pharmacists in the Three Kingdoms are highly sought after, and they are surrounded by many people to communicate and talk to each other.

These few people were also invited up one after another to make speeches and interact with each other.

Yun Jing had great confidence in his younger sister, and wanted to use this exchange meeting to raise her popularity to a higher level, so someone arranged for Xia Ruo to speak and interact.

Knowing that it was her brother's kindness, Xia Ruo didn't refuse, so she walked up and sat down calmly.

She is the least experienced doctor and pharmacist who speaks and interacts with each other.

As a result, many people were dissatisfied and felt that Xia Ruo was not qualified to sit on it.

So after Xia Ruo made an opening statement, people below began to ask questions for her to answer.

Not only people from the Silver Dragon Empire and the Wisteria Empire, but also people from the Federation asked questions, obviously not convinced that she could sit on it.

In addition to asking questions about the pills for treating genetic diseases, led by the people from the Silver Dragon Empire, the questions raised below became more and more sharp.

However, Xia Ruo has a wide range of medical knowledge, not only explaining clearly, but even drawing inferences from one instance, and finally left all those who find fault speechless.

This kind of exchange meeting also takes the form of live broadcast, so Xia Ruo's appearance of "talking against the Confucians" appeared on the official live broadcast platform of the Three Kingdoms.

Yun Jing, Yan Lingfeng, his wife, and the three Feng family brothers sat at the front.

Seeing his younger sister being picked on, but still coping smoothly and proving himself with strength, the smile on Yunjing's face deepened.

However, it was also because the members of the Silver Dragon Empire were always tempted to find fault with Xia Ruo, which made Yan Lingfeng even less pleasing to him.

"There are so many capable people in your Silver Dragon Empire. These questions come one after another. Those who don't know think this is a press conference to answer reporters' questions." Yun Jing glanced at Yan Lingfeng and said sarcastically.

Yan Lingfeng knew that this was Yunjing's dissatisfaction, and he was also quite upset, so he replied, "It won't be long before you jump around."

"Really? Then you should pack up a few and have a look!"

Yun Jing looked at him meaningfully and continued: "You are tough on the outside, but you are a little softer on the inside. If it were me, I would kill chickens and monkeys every day."

It was precisely because of the vigorous and resolute methods and the killing of countless chickens that he completely controlled the Wisteria Empire.

Otherwise, those brothers would probably come out from time to time to obstruct his eyes. Now in front of him, they don't even dare to fart, and they don't dare to let people deliberately come to his place to find fault.

"Brother Jing is right, brother-in-law, you are still too soft-hearted to those people. If you don't want to do it, can I help you?"

Feng Yan watched those people's tricky questions in rhythm, just to embarrass Xia Xia, his family, and felt itchy to punch someone!

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