Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 650: Still Wanting to Harm Her Brother

Yun Jing and his two younger sisters talked while strolling, the coldness on their bodies dissipated and replaced by warmth like jade.

It surprised many others who came to the manor for dinner.

Since the new emperor came to power, he has changed from his former playboy and cynical attitude, and has become cold and stern, and he has never seen this side of him before.

Xia Ruo wrote down the vegetables, fruits and flowers that she found useful and liked.

"Brother, I want all these. You can help me and the manor master to plant seeds later, and I will go back and plant them myself."

It happened that she felt that there were a little less usable plants in the Federation, and this manor was very complete.

Yun Jing smiled lightly and said: "I expected it a long time ago. I saw your eyes so bright just now, and I have ordered someone to prepare a copy of all the plant seeds in the manor for you."

Xia Ruo really wanted to hold Yun Jing's hand and act coquettishly like before, but the current occasion is not suitable.

She smiled sweetly: "I knew that brother is the best!"

Although Feng Yan was no longer jealous when he saw this, his heart was still a little sour. The little boy was smart and knew how to coax himself Xia Xia.

He decided that he would go out to collect plants and seeds in the future, and he would not go wrong with his uncle.

Xia Xuan smiled and put Xia Ruo on her arm, "I brought you a lot of seedlings and seeds from the Silver Dragon Empire this time."

After meeting last time, she started collecting. This is my sister's preference, and of course they must be satisfied.

"Sister is the best too!" Xia Ruo rubbed her sister's shoulder like before.

In the past, every time my brothers and sisters went out for training, they would always think of bringing plants and seeds for themselves, and they have not changed this habit since they came to this world. It’s great to have brothers and sisters!

At this moment, a female voice broke the warm atmosphere between the three siblings.


When Xia Ruo and Xia Xuan heard this affectionate voice, they immediately turned their heads to look over.

I saw a pretty young woman in a light green elegant long dress walking over.

Seeing the person coming, Yun Jing restrained the original warm smile and pampering in his eyes, nodded to her lightly, and did not speak.

"You come here to eat today too!"

Bing Xiaoyue walked up to Yun Jing with a smile, looked at Sister Xia Ruo standing beside him, "Who are these two?"

She knew the identities of Xia Ruo and Xia Xuan, but just now she saw Yun Jing taking them around the manor with a kind face, with a warmth and warmth that she had never seen before, which made her very upset.

Yun Jing said coldly: "You can see who they are after reading the news of the empire today!"

This woman just likes to put on a show, and she doesn't know how she fell in love with that person before.

Bing Xiaoyue had a bit of grievance on her face, and said coquettishly, "Ah Jin, I don't want to watch the news, so you can introduce me."

Both Xia Ruo and Xia Xuan knew that their brother's original body had a relationship, and they died because of it.

Now you don't need to guess, you know, this is the true love.

"I got goosebumps all over the floor!" Xia Ruo rubbed her hands.

Then he looked at Xia Xuan and said with a smile: "Sister, this young lady doesn't know you, do you want to introduce her grandly?"

This woman is so pretentious, after harming the previous Yunjing, she still wants to harm her brother? Not to mention windows, there are no doors.

"I am the Crown Princess of the Silver Dragon Empire!"

Xia Xuan raised her chin proudly, and looked at Bing Xiaoyue with a queenly look, "Where are you from? Didn't you see us talking? Come here to disturb me rashly, and you don't understand any manners or rules."

Another chapter, half an hour~~

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