Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 676 Sudden Want to Vomit Blood

Fan Yue looked at the handsome man standing in front of him, and suddenly had a bad feeling.

He looked at Yunjing pretending not to understand, and pretended to call out to him a few times, "Meow!"

Yun Jing looked at Fan Yue, who was pretending to be a pet cat, and wanted to help his forehead. After this guy became a cub, it seemed that his IQ also dropped.

"Do you think you look like a cat with red hair now?" He folded his arms and laughed.

Fan Yue's body froze, and then he remembered that he used the reduced version of his body to see his cousin just now, it's no wonder Yun Jing couldn't recognize him.

He couldn't help but get annoyed. Recently, Xia Ruo made him feel like he almost regarded himself as a pet cat.

Now that his identity was discovered, he didn't bother to hide any more, and instantly transformed into a handsome red-haired boy.

It's just that he couldn't help but feel ashamed when he thought of meowing like a cat to Yunjing just now.

"When did you find out?" Fan Yue was brought into the role of a pet cat because Xia Ruo used his spiritual knowledge to influence his mental power, but his IQ was still online.

From Yun Jing's words just now, he has already judged that his identity has been exposed.

But he couldn't figure out why it was exposed. He thought he had covered it up very well.

Yun Jing looked at him amusedly, "I don't even know when I was exposed? It seems that you, the little prince of the alien beast in the starry sky, don't have a good brain!"

Fan Yue turned black, "Don't think that I dare not beat you up because this is your territory, I have already disliked you!"

He is the heir of the mighty alien beast in the starry sky. This guy actually wants to keep him as a pet, especially when he looks calm and desolate all day long and despises him. This makes him feel very uncomfortable.

Yun Jing looked at him lightly, "Really? That's really great!"

"What do you mean?" Fan Yue asked puzzled.

Yun Jing's lips raised a curve, "I just like when people don't like me, want to beat me up, want to kill me, but they act like I'm helpless."

"Especially recently, you still have to stay by my side obediently. Imagining how you gritted your teeth but couldn't help me, I think it seems quite interesting. It's good to pass the time and have fun."

I have to say that even though Yun Jing Qingjun came out of the world, he looked like a banished fairy who didn't eat the fireworks of the world, but he was also a dark one.

Recently, he has basically cleared and controlled the empire, so he just happens to be idle and bored.

When Fan Yue heard his words, his face darkened instantly, "What do you mean I stay by your side obediently? Are you delusional?"

Yun Jing smiled: "No, I'm normal!"

"Hmph, then try it!" Fan Yue has been holding back his breath recently and couldn't find a way out, and when he heard Yun Jing say this, he became even angrier.

So he took the initiative to attack Yunjing, and the coercion of the seventh level spread out.

Yun Jing still stood calmly, raised his hand casually, and the coercion of the eighth-level ability was also dispersed, suppressing Fan Yue's coercion.

Fan Yue's attacking moves were also easily resolved by him.

"You are an eighth-level power user." Fan Yue looked at Yun Jing who resisted his attack in disbelief.

This guy is hiding too deep, right?

Yun Jing chuckled lightly and said, "To be precise, it's almost level nine!"

This body's talent for cultivation is already very good, and his soul and level of cultivation skills and formations are also blessed. As an emperor, he has no shortage of resources, so his cultivation speed is naturally very fast.

The person who was secretly rubbing and wanting to beat him suddenly realized that he was much stronger than himself, and Fan Yue suddenly had the urge to vomit blood with anger.

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