Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 680 So Optimistic?

In addition to this concern, Yan Lingfeng was also afraid that if he did too badly, if he could not recover in the future, those people would take revenge on Xia Xuan.

He couldn't bear his wife's suffering.

Now, this worry is completely gone, thanks to Xia Ruo's elixir.

After returning, he can also do it without holding back like an uncle.

Why did Yunjing control the power of the Wisteria Empire so fiercely and domineeringly?

Except for the power left to him by the old emperor, it is absolutely inseparable from his own strength.

On this point, Yan Lingfeng, who is as arrogant as Yan Lingfeng, also admires his uncle.

Xia Xuan looked proud, "That's right, my sister is the best!"

"In terms of medical skills and alchemy, I dare say that few people can surpass her."

When my younger sister was on Earth before, she was known as a genius in alchemy, and even the elders were convinced, let alone people in this universe who had never even seen elixir.

Yan Lingfeng hugged her with a smile, "Yes, your sister is the best!"

Now that he knew it, he had to praise and approve her sister and brother in front of his wife, so that he would be happy.

Sure enough, Xia Xuan hooked his chin in satisfaction, "You have vision!"

After talking for a while, the two received a call from Yunjing and left the hotel together.

People in the Three Kingdoms are all paying attention to the emperor Yunjing, and they are all surprised to find that he comes to pick up Xia Ruo and Feng Yan every day, and now he seems to have a good relationship with Yan Lingfeng and Xia Xuan.

In particular, the senior officials of the Wisteria Empire were shocked. They knew about this new emperor, and they were usually indifferent, but they would never take the initiative to do such a thing.

In his capacity, there is no such thing as catering to or flattering the Silver Dragon Empire and the Federation.

Are you so optimistic about Yan Lingfeng and Feng Yan now? It also caused some people in the Silver Dragon Empire and the Federation to change their attitudes towards the two.

After the brothers of Yan Lingfeng of the Silver Dragon Empire got the latest news, they were not in such a happy mood.

How did that guy Yan Lingfeng hook up with the new emperor of the Wisteria Empire? I heard that they have cooperated, they really have a leaky house and it rains all night!

There are also people on the Federation side who are anxious, but most of the high-level officials are happy that Feng Yan can make friends with the new emperor of the Wisteria Empire.

After dinner, Xia Xuan and Xia Ruo sat together and chatted intimately.

Yun Jing also called the two brothers-in-law to chat with them, and offered them two plans that would be beneficial to the development of the Silver Dragon Empire and the Alliance, and reached a consensus on cooperation.

Although Yun Jing didn't like Yan Lingfeng very much, but the fact of his brother-in-law couldn't be changed, so he could only protect him a bit.

Of course, it is also necessary to find faults occasionally to make the other party a headache. Who let this guy make his sister angry and almost divorced.

As for Feng Yan's brother-in-law, Yun Jing was much satisfied, and Zhiqu really doted on his sister infinitely, so not only would he not pick faults, but he was also prepared to cooperate more with the Federation.

Afterwards, Yunjing chatted with his two younger sisters about cultivation issues, and gave them advice.

He also gave each of them a few formation disks that had just been refined and could help speed up their cultivation. For the two younger sisters, he wished he could give them all the good things he had.

After chatting until late at night, a group of people came out of the restaurant. The three brothers and sisters were reluctant to part, thinking that they would find opportunities to meet again in the future.

The next day, Xia Ruo returned to the Federation on the interstellar spaceship, and Xia Xuan also returned to the Silver Dragon Empire.

It was already late at night when I returned to the farm, Xia Ruo pushed Feng Yan out who wanted to enter her bedroom to chat, and began to refine the detoxification pill in seclusion.

Except for the magic sea secret orchid, all the other medicinal materials have been assembled.

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