Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 682 Give them some color

The logistics department has always been at the bottom of the list. It was only after having Xia Ruo last semester that the average score was raised.

At that time, they will be assessed together with the other two colleges, and the logistics department will also be doing rear work, so Jiang Zhi, the tutor, will not be so strict with them.

After finishing what was going to be explained, get out of class was over.

When Xia Ruo was about to leave the classroom, Jiang Zhi thought about it and stopped her.

"Teacher, what's the matter?" Xia Ruo stopped and asked.

Jiang Zhi smiled and said, "How is your preparation for this final exam?"

Although the logistics department is at the bottom, the instructors still hope that Xia Ruo can make another good achievement for their logistics department this time.

Xia Ruo smiled and said: "The preparation is not bad, the instructor can rest assured."

"Okay, you can come to us for anything." Hearing what she said, Jiang Zhi really felt relieved.

He didn't ask Xia Ruo to perform well in the examinations of the three schools. The possibility of this is relatively small. He only wanted her to maintain good grades in the paper examinations and that was enough.

This is also what other tutors in the logistics department are looking forward to.

"Okay, thank you tutor!"

Xia Ruo has a good impression of the tutors in the logistics department. If she were replaced by tutors from some powerful forces, she would definitely be left out on purpose after her talent dropped, but their attitude towards her didn't change much, and they took care of her a lot.

Back at the farm, Xia Ruo went to Feng Yan's room to look again, and saw that the dirt on his body had been removed, and then closed the door gently.

The effect of detoxification is obviously good, and it looks like he will be able to detoxify tomorrow.

In the evening, Xia Ruo went to the cafeteria to eat, and met Mr. Xie and Ye Ning who had just returned to the farm.

Ye Ning is relatively quiet and well-behaved. After living on the farm for a while, he fell into the eyes of Mr. Xie. The relationship between the old and the young is very good, and they often eat and walk together.

Ye Ning would also play chess with Mr. Xie, which many young people have no patience to do, and it also made Mr. Xie like him more.

"Sister Xia!" Ye Ning liked Xia Ruo very much, and came over to greet her obediently after seeing her.

Xia Ruo looked at him with a smile, "Your complexion looks good, and you've gained weight, and you're recovering well."

Ye Ning said with a smile: "It's because sister Xia has high medical skills, and the food here is very good, so I recovered so well."

He is telling the truth, he likes the farm very much, and with the no more painful attacks, he feels that from birth to the present, he has lived the most leisurely and happy life during this period.

"Then you can stay for a while longer." Xia Ruo also liked this well-behaved and sensible boy very much, treating him like a younger brother.

The three of them sat at the same table to eat, Mr. Xie looked at Xia Ruo and said, "You guys are about to take the exam at the end of the semester."

"Yes!" Xia Ruo chuckled, "Master, are you also paying attention to this?"

"That is, I am old-hearted."

Mr. Xie looked at her and said, "My grandson is studying in the First Academy, and he is in the first grade with you. He will also take part in the assessment this time. He is very confident that the First Academy can get the first place in all assessments."

"It annoys me to see his inflated self-confidence, so this time you have to make good use of it, show some color to those brats in the First Academy, and let them know that there are people outside the sky and people outside the sky." He said earnestly.

With love and optimism for Xia Ruo in his eyes, he likes the life on the farm, and also likes Xia Ruo, a little girl.

He treats her like his granddaughter and loves her, so I hope that in the assessment of the three schools this time, she can emerge as a new force, and let those boys with high eyes but low hands know the gap and be hit!

For Xia Ruo, like Feng Yan and the others, he has an inexplicable confidence like a mystery.

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