Xia Ruo was also happy watching Xingbo and commenting.

"Grandpa is so funny, are you being beaten often?"

Feng Yan was very speechless, but there was a warm smile in his eyes, "The old man is getting more and more childish, so he is reluctant to hit me. Every time he picks up the crutch, there is thunder and rain!"

In the entire Feng family, he is the most favored, the old man is reluctant to really beat him.

Xia Ruo likes Grandpa Feng very much, "It's true, Grandpa Feng dotes on you all very much, you probably haven't really been beaten by him before."

Although Old Man Feng dotes on Feng Yan, the little grandson the most, but Xia Ruo sees that he also dotes on Feng Yi and Feng Yan more, but the way of doting is different.

Feng Yan replied: "They are very fond of us, but my cousin was really beaten by grandpa, and he was even beaten up in the hospital for two days."

Xia Ruo was very surprised, "Why?"


Feng Yan continued: "Afterwards, he was dispatched by his grandfather to be stationed in the battle group, away from the imperial capital."

"Grandpa Feng doesn't seem like he would interfere with his children and grandchildren's marriage. Why is he so opposed to your cousin's marriage?" Xia Ruo asked curiously.

Feng Yan sighed, "My cousin actually had a marriage contract before marrying this sister-in-law before he came in, but for that woman, he actually ran to annul the engagement. That fiancée and he were still childhood sweethearts, and at that time they were quarreling with each other. Both of them are very unhappy."

"Grandpa is very angry at my cousin's irresponsible behavior, but my cousin insists that he likes that woman. It would be irresponsible if he married his fiancée and divorced him. It's better to dissolve the engagement and live well."

"He took the initiative to dissolve the engagement. Grandpa had no choice but to deal with the aftermath. But he objected to my cousin marrying that woman, saying that it was a schemer, and marrying her would be a disaster. My second uncle and aunt also opposed it at the time."

"But my cousin is determined to recognize that woman. Even though the family strongly opposes it, at the cost of being beaten up by grandpa and sent to the hospital, he still married her under pressure."

"Because of this, they have been married for three years, and they will only come back after the Chinese New Year.

"What's your impression of that woman?" Xia Ruo had never met her before, so she couldn't make a conclusion about whether she was good or bad.

Feng Yan pouted, "Very annoying!"

"That woman has a cold face all day long, as if someone owes her money, and it's annoying to watch. I don't know if my cousin has a masochistic physique, but I like this kind of cold woman."

Xia Ruo frowned slightly, "Cold? What's your family background?"

"The family background belongs to the third-rate one. Her family members are actually pretty good, but she is a weird one."

Feng Yan seemed to think of something and said: "Tomorrow my cousin will bring that woman back, Xia Xia, please see if my cousin has been poisoned by love or hypnotized."

Xia Ruo laughed: "There are not many such cases, but I will observe them carefully tomorrow."

"Well, take a closer look. My cousin is really fascinated by that woman. I'm afraid he didn't do it voluntarily."

Feng Yan continued: "He was born at the same age as my second brother, and he is an hour younger than my second brother, so everyone in the family calls my second brother the second child, and calls him the second child. I should have been the fourth child. You will become the third child!"

"Although we are cousins, our relationship is as if we were biological. But since my cousin married that woman, not only have we become estranged, but we have also lost a lot of contact."

Seeing his angry look, Xia Ruo sighed and pinched his face, "Don't be angry, sometimes love is like this, only you know all kinds of sweet and sour."

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