Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 692 You don't care?

Feng Yan then led Xia Ruo, and walked up to a handsome young man, sitting next to him was a woman with an expressionless face and a glamorous appearance.

"This is my cousin and sister-in-law!"

Xia Ruo's feelings towards Feng Ye are not bad, this is a handsome and sunny man, but his eyesight doesn't seem to be very good, as Feng Rogue said, his wife is really not very pleasing.

But she still greeted with a polite smile, "Cousin, sister-in-law!"

Feng Ye said with a full smile: "Hello, brother and sister! I used to worry that my third son's bad temper would not find a wife. I didn't expect him to become a blockbuster if he didn't sing. He found such a good wife!"

"Cousin is absurd!" Xia Ruo chuckled.

The woman next to Feng Ye still had no expression on her face, and she glanced at Xia Ruo coldly, with serious and even obvious displeasure.

Not only did she not respond, she didn't even want to nod in greeting, which seemed very rude.

Ji Zi really didn't like Xia Ruo, so she deliberately ignored her.

Thinking back when she entered the door, she had never seen people from the Feng family so warm and polite.

She didn't see that Xia Ruo was so outstanding either!

It made her feel very uncomfortable to be treated so differently.

She also didn't think about it, who would like a junior who was full of aloofness wherever he went.

Looking at Ji Zi's posture, Xia Ruo didn't care, but Feng Yan quit.

This woman showed her face to his cousin and family members all day long, and he was already very upset, but now she actually showed her face to Xia Xia, what the hell?

"Sister-in-law, I remember that you don't seem to be dumb." He asked with a smile on his face, but there was no warmth in his eyes.

Ji Zi didn't expect Feng Yan to mock herself so bluntly, her face darkened, "What do you mean? You are dumb if you don't talk to your girlfriend? Is she that noble?"

"Compared to you, it's much better. My girlfriend is very polite. Whoever is like you, every time I go back to Feng's house, I have a sad face, and it's annoying to watch."

Feng Yan has always had the temperament of an overlord, and he will only restrain himself in front of Xia Ruo. This is also indulged by the Feng family, so he never hides his preferences at home.

Of course, he didn't like this sister-in-law in the entire Feng family. Before meeting, the two would ridicule each other, but this time Feng Yan's words were even worse.

His attitude towards other people is good.

Of course, Ji Zi was rude first.

As soon as these words came out, except for Feng Ye's helpless face, everyone else fell silent, as if they didn't hear them.

Second Uncle Feng and Second Madam's expression remained unchanged, as if what Feng Yan was mocking was not his own daughter-in-law, but an annoying outsider.

From this point, we can also see how unpleasant Ji Zi is in the Feng family.

"You!" Ji Zi's face was full of anger, "Your Feng family doesn't welcome me, I'll just go!"

Feng Yan sneered, "You still know you're not likable, it's rare to be so self-aware!"

If it wasn't for his cousin's face, he would have driven this woman out a long time ago.

One must know that he even drove away his own father's fiancée, so what is a sister-in-law.

"You!" Ji Zi was very angry, she couldn't say anything to Feng Yan, so she turned to look at her husband next to her, and asked sharply: "You don't care what he said about me?"

The helplessness on Feng Ye's face deepened, and his heart felt even more tired, "San'er's temper is like this, he doesn't mean anything, don't think too much about it."

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