Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 694 Can't figure it out

The second lady saw that the old lady and Xia Ruo deliberately changed the topic.

So she looked at the old lady and said with a light smile: "Ruoruo is not coaxing you, I saw that Mom is really young when I come back this time, and I want to ask you how to take care of it."

She never talked too much about Ji Zi, she just didn't have the patience, and people wouldn't listen to her if she talked too much, and she also thought she was a wicked mother-in-law who provoked their relationship between husband and wife.

She didn't want to be divorced from her son because of an unpleasant daughter-in-law.

The two of them can live as they want, it's their own choice anyway.

To her daughter-in-law, she had completely given up on treatment, but instead felt that San'er was so nice just now, she said everything her mother-in-law had always wanted to say, and she really didn't spoil San'er in vain.

Looking at the lovely Xia Ruo, she once again expressed her disgust for her son's eyesight. How could she have given birth to such a blind thing?

Xia Ruo could figure it out, except for Feng Ye, none of the whole family liked tricks, and even hated it.

It's really not easy to make everyone in the family look annoyed, Ji Zi's completely confident work is probably due to Feng Ye's love.

To be honest, she couldn't help but feel that Feng Yan, a good-natured cousin, really has a problem with his eyes...

If Xia Ruo changed the topic with the old lady and the second wife, the others would not bring it up again because they were bored.

Feng Yan put his hand on Feng Ye's shoulder, "Little brother, let's drink together after dinner, we haven't had a drink and chat together for a long time."

Feng Ye abducted him, and said with a smile: "Okay, you are the birthday star, you are the master!"

Just now Feng Yan subconsciously blocked the teacup thrown by the old man for him, explaining that even though he hated his wife very much, he still cared about his brother, which made him feel relieved and made him feel even more guilty.

San'er brought his girlfriend back for his birthday, but his wife showed his face to others, and now he left without caring about the cold face of his elders. He felt confidently that he could no longer describe his feelings in words.

Why can't Ji Zi be like a normal daughter-in-law or grand-daughter-in-law?

Feng Yi got up and put his arm around Feng Ye from the other shoulder, pulling him to sit down, "Come on, long time no see, tell us how you've been doing recently."

He was not used to Ji Zi's behavior for a long time, and he always used his cousin's cold face to order him around, without giving him any face. What the hell is not marrying a wife, but marrying an ancestor.

If it were him, he would have told the other party to leave long ago, and only Feng Ye would keep regressing, and then let that woman push her forward.

Growing up together, although my cousin has an easy-going temperament, he is also very principled, and he is very brave on the battlefield. How can he be so eaten up by an unpleasant woman?

They really can't figure it out, they can't figure it out too much!

Three years ago, they didn't ask why the cousin suddenly fell in love with such a woman. Later, Feng Ye was driven away by the old man to garrison the war regiment and rarely came back, so they didn't find a suitable opportunity to continue asking. This time, they have to ask clearly .

Feng Ye sat down with a smile, Feng Yan and Feng Yan also came over, and the four brothers talked and laughed.

The Feng family's vegetables, fruits and meat are all provided by Xia Ruo's ranch, and the chef invited here is very skilled. If Xia Ruo comes to be a guest, the Feng family will naturally not let her cook.

Soon the chef prepared the lunch, and the old man asked everyone to go to the restaurant together. The table was filled with different original dishes, all from the recipes provided by Xia Ruo.

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