Xia Ruo could roughly guess what Feng Yi and the others were thinking.

She smiled and said, "I brewed some corn wine before, and I put it in the space, but the concentration is a bit high."

"What you need is a high concentration, so that it tastes good when you drink it." Feng Yi's eyes lit up.

His cousin doesn't hold a lot of alcohol, and it's easier to get drunk if he drinks a lot of alcohol. Ruoruo is really smart, and he can understand what they mean right away.

Feng Baixuan couldn't see what the most slanderous son in his family was going to do, and he warned: "It's almost done, or if you get drunk at dinner at night, the old man will not spare you."

"Understood, Dad, don't worry." Feng Yi nodded, then pulled his brothers and Xia Ruo out the door together.

Feng Baixuan's brothers and sisters are all smart people, Feng Xiaogu looked at the backs of these people who had disappeared and said: "I don't know if I can ask anything."

The second lady said helplessly: "It's hard to say, we tried to ask Aye, he was very tight-lipped, anyway, he just wanted to protect that woman tightly."

"Let's just follow fate. Like you said, you have to walk the path you choose, crying and kneeling." Second Uncle Feng is more open about this aspect.

Several people thought it made sense, so they talked about other things.

On the other side, Feng Yi and the others went to the yard, and Xia Ruo took out the corn wine.

Then the three brothers of the Feng family began to pour alcohol on Feng Ye.

After two cups, Feng Ye's face was stained with a thin layer of red, and he began to feel a little drunk.

He was originally a smart person, others could see Feng Yi's careful thinking, so why couldn't he see it.

After taking the third glass of wine that Feng Yan pushed over, he said helplessly: "Okay, don't drink it. Although this is a good wine, I really can't do it anymore. Just ask what you want to ask."

He has never been able to drink well, and he is prone to drunkenness, but it is not like the three brothers of the Feng family who can drink well.

These three guys still teamed up to force him, it was simply too much for him, so it's better to go directly to the topic.

After Feng Ye said that, the Feng family brothers naturally wouldn't drink any more.

Feng Yi spoke first, "Xiao Er, what happened when you disappeared? When you came back, you ran to annul the engagement, and then insisted on marrying Ji Zi. We are very puzzled, please explain it to us."

Feng Ye knew that he wanted to ask this question, so he was silent for a moment and he breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, I'll tell you."

"Three years ago, when I led an elite from the First Battle Group and fought fiercely with an elite from the Starry Sky Beast Alliance, something happened. The mecha was hit, and I was injured and landed on a half-desolate star."

"Then I was rescued by a person. After waking up, I couldn't move my whole body. There was even a small blood clot on my head that temporarily blinded me. The person who rescued me has been taking good care of me."

"I knew that the person who took care of me was a woman, but she didn't speak, and gradually I began to recover."

"Suddenly one day, I didn't know why I wanted to drink so much, so I asked her to buy it for me."

He took a deep breath again, "Who knew, but I was drunk. When I woke up the next morning, my eyesight was completely restored, and there was another woman beside me."

"She has been aggrieved and crying and calling me ungrateful."

"You know that I don't drink well, and I don't remember anything after I was drunk."

"I felt sorry for her, so I promised to marry her and treat her well for the rest of my life."

"Of course, because she saved me and was by my side when I was most vulnerable, I also developed an indescribable affection for her."

"Although I accidentally caused an irreparable fact, I have to be responsible for her, so I went to divorce, otherwise I would be irresponsible and hurt two women at the same time."

The Feng family joined the battle group after they were born and graduated, and the sense of responsibility has been integrated into the marrow of their bones, which is why they later gave in to Ji Zi in various ways, because they felt that he owed her.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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