Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 725 Don't Know How To Face It

The woman quickly restrained her surprise and just looked at him fixedly.

Then he remembered something, and immediately reached out and grabbed the cloak hanging beside the bed, ready to put it on, but he hesitated as soon as he put it on his head.

As if struggling, she put the cloak in front of the bed, still didn't cover her face, but just lowered her head.

Seeing her reaction like this, Feng Ye felt uncomfortable as if being grabbed by someone.

He watched her take a deep breath, and said first: "I'm sorry, I caused you to be like this!"

The woman looked up at him complicatedly, and after a while, her voice was very low and hoarse, "Can you recognize me?"

When I heard that her voice was damaged, it was more serious.

"Yes, I can smell your scent and distinguish your outline!" He said truthfully.

He joined the Special Operations Corps after he graduated from the academy, and he was trained in these aspects.

The woman froze for a moment, then touched her face, "Didn't I scare you!"

"No, they all look the same to me!" Feng Ye said.

He has never done much research on women, and when he sees women, he actually feels that there is not that much difference in appearance. The beauty and ugliness of the face is nothing to him, and what he values ​​is still the feeling.

Besides, she was disfigured, and she was inseparable from him.

The woman didn't expect him to say that, don't men pay attention to women's appearance? But she didn't ask.

They have been together for more than two months, and they can be regarded as familiar strangers.

As in the past, she asked calmly, "How did you find me?"

After she was thrown from this trash star, no spaceship and people appeared again. She guessed that it should be blocked by those people.

That's why she was very curious about how Feng Ye found this place.

"I called up the records of the half-desolate star three years ago, and locked the three garbage stars that you might be in, so I found it." Feng Ye replied.

The woman looked directly at him, "Did you find out?"

"I found out, she is a fake, she pretended to be you and married me. I also found out recently, so I knew you were persecuted here by her, so I hurried to find you." Feng Ye said honestly.

Hearing this, the woman was stunned, and her hands tightly gripped the cloak, obviously her heart was very disturbed.

Although Feng Ye's EQ is not high, his sincerity is the best. He added an explanation, "However, I have been married to her for three years and we have only been a superficial couple. I have no feelings for her, so I have never touched her. This morning I also Divorce is done."

For some reason, he felt that this must be explained clearly.

Xia Ruo praised Feng Ye from the side, women must still care about this.

Fortunately, Feng Ye followed his feelings in the past three years, otherwise there would always be a thorn stuck in this woman's heart, and the two of them would probably have nothing to do with each other.

If Feng Ye and the person who harmed him have been in love for three years and have done everything, anyone might feel disgusted.

Sure enough, after hearing this, the woman loosened her grip on the cloak, but did not speak.

Seeing this, Feng Ye said: "She pretended to be you, and deliberately faked that she smelled like you, and your outlines are almost the same, so I will admit my mistake."

"I'm not shirking responsibility for myself, I just hope you can give me a chance to correct and compensate you."

Admitting wrong is an unchangeable fact, he will not shirk it, he just wants to make up for her again.

The woman's eyes were more complicated, she really didn't expect that he didn't touch the trick, and because he found out the truth of the matter, he came to find her, and she didn't dislike her now.

She was also at a loss for a moment, not knowing how to face him.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~ Tomorrow's update will be after 0 o'clock~~

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