Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 802 Don't Play With You Anymore

Zhai Hao got angry when he saw the other party's villainous face, this bastard is nothing.

"Why, do you think that when your father became the principal, you used to bow down and make a small gesture in front of me, and others would forget it? You want to punish your grandfather and me, in the next life!"

If it wasn't for the wrong timing and the live broadcast, he would definitely punch this little guy.

In the past when his grandfather was the principal, this guy kept leaning in front of him, making all kinds of compliments like a younger brother, but now he thinks he can stand up if he gains power?

Their Zhai family has a heritage of thousands of years. Ren Mingliang's family is indeed the rise of these two generations of talents. He thought that he would be safe to be the principal of the First Academy after leaving the relationship.

Wanting to step on their Zhai family's position under their buttocks, it's really underestimating them.

It was also because of this that he held back his anger and did not do anything.

What Ren Mingliang hates the most is when someone mentions the days when Zhai Hao was a younger brother. He is not called Fu low to be a younger brother, but he is able to bend and stretch.

His face was distorted, and his face was gloomy, "Zhai Hao, you fart!"

"Heh, it's not a secret at school. If you want to step on me to take over, you must be dreaming!"

Zhai Hao tore off the paper representing the team's serial number pasted on his chest, crumpled it up and threw it in front of Ren Mingliang, "When I'm rare to form a team with you, if the mutant beast didn't suddenly attack you with a supernatural power, I would If you let go just to avoid it, it’s impossible to run away.”

"I want to accompany you, a selfish and unworthy thing, I won't play with you anymore!" He snorted coldly.

Then he turned around and saw Xia Ruo standing not far away, his originally calm face instantly beamed.

He quickly walked up to Xia Ruo, "Ruoruo, I was tricked by villains, you said you wanted to play with me, now I'm here!"

Xia Ruo and Zhai Junyan are best friends, and Zhai Hao is also considered a friend. Seeing him being tricked, I feel very upset.

She said with a smile: "The people of the First Academy have no vision. If you push a talent like you out, I naturally welcome you very much!"

She then looked at Ren Mingliang with a half-smile, "This sharp-nosed monkey's cheeks are full of meanness, and he doesn't look like a good person at first glance. It's definitely the right choice for you to leave their team now."

The students of the Second Academy are now dominated by Xia Ruo, and they all laughed when they heard this.

In fact, Ren Mingliang is not ugly, but it does give people a mean feeling when you look carefully.

Ren Mingliang had never been said that before, he was so angry that he sullenly said, "Who are you talking about?"

Xia Ruo is the most defensive, looking at him with raised eyebrows, "Whoever admits it is talking about it, I didn't expect you to be very self-aware."

Di Hao laughed out loud: "He is a villain and a hypocrite in the first place, and he knows what kind of person he is."

Xia Ruo helped him run on Ren Mingliang, and he felt warm and comfortable in his heart.

"Zhai Hao, are you going to openly collude with Xia Ruo from the Second Academy and target us?" Ren Mingliang changed his mind.

If this hat is thrown on Zhai Hao's head, other students of the First Academy will definitely feel disgusted and repelled.

Xia Ruo sneered and said, "Student, you are not only mean, but you also like to provoke right and wrong!"

"It's obvious that you jointly wanted to push Zhai Hao out of the team, so that he couldn't form a team by himself, and now he sees my friend coming over to chat about old times. Is this collusion?"

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