Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 807 On the contrary, I think she is doing a good job

The elders of the Zhai family couldn't help but feel a little grateful to Xia Ruo, feeling that Zhai Junyan and Zhai Hao didn't make friends.

If many people encountered such a thing, at most they would bring Zhai Hao by their side, and they would not offend the other party by standing out for him.

And from the family's point of view, Xia Ruo's actions will also take advantage of the opportunity to attack the arrogance of the next Ren family.

Since Principal Ren took office, the First Academy has gradually become the back garden of the Ren family, and the Zhai family has also started to deliberately target them, suppressing some senior management and mentors, which is too aggressive.

The Zhai family was preparing to fight back, and Xia Ruo sent the other party to the door, which is really good!

In the lounge, Principal Ren's face was no longer dark, it was quite gloomy.

He looked at Aunt Feng gnashing his teeth and said, "Xia Ruo in your school is really sharp-tongued, it's outrageous!"

He didn't like Xia Ruo very much before, and he found someone on the Internet to guide her, saying that she only relied on talent, and also had his handwriting.

Seeing that Xia Ruo was arranged to lead the students not to hunt before, he hoped that the dead girl would accidentally encounter a mutant beast and be seriously injured or something.

But I didn't expect the dead girl to hide so deeply. Not only is she a fifth-level supernatural being, but she is also outstanding in all aspects, and her leadership ability is not ordinary.

He was still hoping that his son would step on Xia Ruo, so that he would be a parent for them.

But he never expected that his son did meet Xia Ruo, but not only did he not step on him, but he also foolishly plotted against Zhai Hao in the live broadcast, allowing Xia Ruo to find an excuse to attack and guide him step by step. shame.

In the end, Hu Liuyou ran away in such a cowardly manner that he almost died of anger, and his face would also be lost.

He is just such a son, who is usually more spoiled, has always been more scheming, and is more tactful in his actions, but his ability to deal with emergencies is really poor.

Xia Ruo suppressed her son from the very beginning, and even threw so many blames on him.

Not only was the son unable to clean up, but the person he took with him was beaten, and he also ran away. If he didn't get the place back, he would have a psychological shadow for the rest of his life!

He is always angry with his son, and he will inevitably vent his anger, but he is even more cruel to Xia Ruo.

If it wasn't for this dead girl meddling in other people's business, although she was a bit disgraceful, Zhai Hao was considered to have succeeded.

As long as it is the winning side, who cares whether the means are glorious or not.

He will also be affected by this reputation. Zhai Hao is plotted against by his son, and the Zhai family will definitely not sit idly by.

This time he was really stealing chickens and losing money, how could he not be angry, and then he became angry with Xiaogu Feng, who is the dean of the Second Academy.

He didn't forget that besides being a student of the Second College, Xia Ruo was also his nephew and daughter-in-law who had never dealt with women.

Aunt Feng has always looked down on the Ren family's behavior style, and the villainous face of the principal Ren. Seeing Xia Ruo domineering to find a place for her friends and slapping Ren Mingliang in the face, she felt happy watching.

Hearing Principal Ren's words, she sneered: "Why is my son not as skilled as others, and you, as an old man, just jumped out?"

"What is shameful? Your son's insidious and mean style is really shameless. Only your Ren family can do it if you can teach your son to be so shameless."

Aunt Feng snorted coldly: "Not only do I not think Xia Ruo did something wrong, but I think she did a good job."

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