Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 815 I can't stand it

Yu Huai's younger brother looked at the backs of the group of people supporting them away until they disappeared, and showed a smug smile.

He just wanted to force this eldest brother into a corner, just to give the family a reason to kick him out, and the Yu family could only belong to him.

But this guy was really too simple-minded to be raised by his mother, so he couldn't stand it when he was so excited, and wanted to leave on his own initiative.

He still had several methods ready to use, what a pity!

Of course, some people felt that it was too much to force Yu Huai and the others away. They didn't do anything now. Isn't it normal to get injured?

It's just that they don't care about their affairs, and they don't care.

The person who was run over by Yu Huai was upset and posted a photo of the back of several people walking out of the gate of the small town to the forum.

The scourges of the Third Academy are finally gone! "

In addition to the pictures, they also said a few specious words, which meant that they did nothing when they came to the small town, they rarely went out to hunt, and deliberately injured half of the staff, and needed to share the food with other students.

Everyone just said a few words casually, and they left cursing. They also said that they would never drag the Third Academy down again, and let everyone supervise, so as not to prevent some people from going back on their word.

At this time, Xia Ruo also brought people back to their small town. The wooden house was fully built under Feng Yan's leadership and planning. Now they are doing some finishing work, and making wooden beds and simple cabinets for use.

Xia Ruo asked people to clean up the mutated pigs, and heard a few students talking about the post made by the third college.

She was a little curious and went in to have a look. Just by looking at the background, she knew that these were the people she met yesterday.

This group of people gave her a pretty good impression, and judging from what they got yesterday, if they had less food, they wouldn't have to rely on other people's charity to survive.

After reading the forum, Zhai Hao sighed: "It's clear that someone is plotting against them and trying to drive them out of the small town, but they fell for it."

Then he said: "However, I can't bear the harsh words. I just left the small town. I don't know where they are going!"

"Do you know them?" Xia Ruo asked.

Zhai Hao nodded: "I know, but we are not familiar with each other. We are not in the same circle."

"What's the situation with them, tell me." Xia Ruo had a premonition that Yu Huai and others might come to her to ask for a pig's liver.

It can be seen yesterday that the people in Yu Huai's group are quite united. Their team members lost too much blood, and if they don't make up, there will be sequelae in the future.

Di Hao didn't think too much, and told the general situation of several people's families.

"People outside are Yu Huai's stepmother doting on him more than her own son, and giving them whatever they want, but my mother said that this is flattery."

"Otherwise, it would be impossible for Yu Huai to develop a temperament that only knows how to eat, drink, and have fun. However, his younger brother is an elite with relatively good grades in the third college. He deliberately stays in the same college. By comparison, we can see who is more prosperous and who is the most talented." Qualified to be the heir."

Xia Ruo nodded: "Nine times out of ten, it's a flattery. This move is not only poisonous, but also makes people unable to say anything bad. After all, he is satisfied with everything for his stepson. In the eyes of many people, he is very fond of him. The Yu family A lot of people probably think so too.”

The Zhai family is a thousand-year-old family. It's normal for Mrs. Zhai to see through this, but there are many people who can't see through.

After all, not every stepmother is so vicious, and there are some who are kind to their stepson and stepdaughter.

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