Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 821 The Contrast Is Too Strong

Since Xia Ruo confirmed his relationship with Feng Yan, he has become more and more considerate.

"Well, let's buy a batch of nutritional supplements tomorrow, and occasionally we should remember the bitterness and think about the sweetness!" She is quite in favor of this point.

Eating in different ways every day, not only will everyone's mouth be full of food, but they will gradually take it for granted.

It’s better to add nutritional supplements from time to time, so that they always maintain a great sense of expectation for the original ingredients, so that the enthusiasm will be higher.

Today is a prime example.

After sending the enthusiastic students away, Yu Huai remembered that besides seeking refuge with Xia Ruo, there was another important thing to come here today.

So he took Tang Xu to the back to find Xia Ruo.

"Student Xia, there is something we want to discuss with you." Yu Huai was a little embarrassed, afraid that Xia Ruo would feel that they were overreaching after speaking.

But no matter what, for the sake of his brother, he had to speak boldly.

Xia Ruo knew what they wanted to say when she saw the embarrassed look of the two of them.

She smiled and said, "I've already had someone stew pork liver with medicinal food for nourishing qi and blood for your injured teammate. They'll eat this at night, otherwise eating barbecue would be too hot."

"Student Xia, we don't know how to thank you!" Both Yu Huai and Yu Huai didn't expect that Xia Ruo had already thought of it first, and began to prepare.

This made them feel warm again, her character is really good!

At the same time, she couldn't help but sigh that she is a god of learning, she has already guessed what they are going to say before they speak, she is so clever!

"In the future, everyone will be our own, so don't be so polite!"

Xia Ruo smiled and continued: "If you really want to thank them, then after they are injured, you can make a little more contribution to our team."

"We will definitely work hard!" Yu Huai and the two nodded emphatically.

"Go and rest first, Feng Yan has brought people to build a room for you, and I will call you when dinner is ready!" Xia Ruo smiled.

"Okay!" The two of them didn't want to say any more words of thanks, and it was more practical to keep them in their hearts and take practical actions.

After the two left, Xia Ruo began to instruct the students in the logistics department to start roasting suckling pig.

The people in front of the live broadcast screen also saw that she took in the group of Zhai Hao and Yu Huai.

[If I am kind, I am still willing to be the one who helps them when they are in the most difficult time! ]

[Yes! Di Hao is fine, he won't fail no matter what, Yu Huai's group is even worse! ]

[Those people in the third college are too much, we watched Yu Huai and others get squeezed out the whole time, and then worked hard to hunt. It's not what they want to be injured, they can take care of others when they are injured, and they are hindered by their injuries. This is how dogs look down on people! ]

[That is, who doesn't have a difficult time? Why do you have to be so forceful? It's better for me! ]

[Trust me if I will not let them hold back, I look forward to flipping and slapping my face in the end! ]

[I really want to see the First Academy and the Third Academy get slapped in the face! The character of some of their students is really bad, and we are anxious to see it! ]

[If I have a good character, I believe that good people will be rewarded! ]

[Yes, from the beginning of the assessment, if I have been doing things with positive energy, compared with the people from the two academies who deliberately avenge their personal revenge in order to compete for the captain's position, the contrast is too strong! ]

[Why did I suddenly have a premonition that if I were them, I might get extra points again! ]

[I also have this premonition, I also know that tonight I will eat delicious food again, I have to eat something first, otherwise I will definitely drool in a while! ]

[That's right, it's an extra meal today, I want to watch my Ruo's stewed pork, woo, I want to eat it! ]

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